Pronounced as eh-din-bur-ger, is someone from Edinburgh. I've always wanted to know that and I finally found out. So chuffed!
Aberdeen = Aberdonian
Glasgow = Glaswegien
Inverness = Invernesian
Orkney = Orcadian
Last weekend was a really nice and busy one.
Friday. Rotaract Club of Aberdeen's 2nd Charity Pub Quiz. We were raising funds for James's Rwanda missions development trip and Emma's Spring Valley school in Kenya. Where both of them are going out to this summer respectively.
And as usual something has to go 'wrong'. Sort of...
The day before...
ennazus: Don't forget to prepare the answer sheets for the pub quiz ok?
James: Yup I remember that.
On the night...
ennazus: Where's the answer sheets?
James: Oh ****! I thought so I forgotten something!
ennazus: ...
But then a really nice guy, Iain came to our rescue! We are so ever thankful!!!
One thing I was pleased with, was my team wasn't last place. Well, we were scraping last almost two-thirds of the way but redeemed ourselves and got... second last place.. hahahahaha... at least we were not last! Too bad SH was not feeling well, otherwise I would think we will be at a higher position. -_-
I won two raffle prizes which I was the raffles draw-er. So what else would there be said? 'FIXED!'
Hey I can't help it if I was lucky eh?
After the quiz, some of us stayed back for a few drinks. Not long after that...
ennazus: Is that the fire alarm?
Barry: Hmm... sounds like it.
And yes indeed it was the fire alarm. So...
Grab belongings. Check.
Grab drinks. Check.
ennazus: I wasn't sure if that was the fire alarm.
Barry: Yeah, I thought it was part of the music.
ennazus: Yeah, me too.
hahaha... of course it was illegal to drink on the roadside. So the Union guys were there collecting everyone's glasses. Luckily we didn't have much left though...
I had two members of the Edinburgh club staying over at my flat. They were really nice, Julia and Barry. There was supposed to be four of them but Claire couldn't make it last minute and someone missed the train. And as always it is good to have people staying over. We stayed up chatting until 3am and then went to bed as most of us were tired.
Drink log: two pints of Strongbow and two pints of Guiness Extra Cold
Saturday. Woke up and chatted with Julia in bed. How cool is that? The three of us then chatted more whilst getting ready. It was funny watching Barry contemplating to shower/shave his head/shave his face. Again, great company for the morning.
We then went to the train station as both of them have to catch the train back to Edinburgh to prepare for their club's charter night. I then went shopping for a pair of shoes for the function as the two pairs of shoes I bought online still have not arrived!
Just my luck when I reached home there was a calling card telling me that the people did try to deliver my parcel but no one was home. Great! Just great! But then no regrets about the shoe. Will tell more about it later.
So hang around my computer, chatted with American Chris about the night before and what time the gang was meeting up with James. Packed, got ready and go to our rendezvous for our journey to Edinburgh.
We then finally left Aberdeen almost 6pm for our drive down to Edinburgh. Five of us (James, Chris, Jennifer, Felix and I) in James's little blue Peugeot which by the way I have a great respect for. We arrived at the venue in Edinburgh at 8pm. The function was supposed to be 7:30pm for 8pm.
As we get on the motorway...
James: Do you know where the place is?
ennazus: I asked you the other day if you needed the directions and you said you were going to sort it out. So I didn't find it.
James: I had too much to do and I forgotten.
Once again, the mobile internet came to our rescue! Quick text to Barry for the address and upon 'Googling' it, there was the option of downloading Google Mobile Map for Nokia N70. Ooooh... The program is just so ace! We used it to find our way to Merchants of Edinburgh Golf Club and then later to Claire's beautiful huge flat where many of us crashed at.
On the way to the venue...
James: Where now?
ennazus: Take the third exit at the roundabout.
James: The what?!
ennzaus: Third exit.
James: The THIRD exit?! It sounds like something else.
ennazus: Turd?
James: You are not allowed to say third anymore. Say 'exit three'.
ennazus: ...
As it was a black tie event, guys were preferbly dressed in kilts and Chris refused to sit in the car for two hours in his smart clothes. So he has to change on the street just in front of someone's house! Well, I don't care if you are reading this Chris... But what an exhibitionist! hahahaha... No worries, there was nothing indecent about it.
Barry called my phone and check where we were and I said 'we were just outside'. Nonetheless we were the last to arrive but not least. Many episodes unfolds. As serious as I am a person, I am so glad we are a fun bunch. The Aberdeen club brought some secret humour (where only the four of us shares - sorry Felix) to the event.
So after some speeches, fancy dinner and event proper, the best part starts: the cĂ©ilidh! It is one of my favourite Scottish 'invention' ever! Too bad it was quite short. -_¬
On the way I had a brief discussion with Jen on certain steps for a certain dance and I was so pleased that I got it right when the time comes. Anyways, I am so proud of my pretty and comfortable shoes. Even though I only did two dances *sad*sad* I was wearing my shoes the whole time and it didn't 'bite' me!
Even after the wandering about almost half of Edinburgh after the event looking for a club that was decent, my feet didn't blister. How great is that?! And still my shoes looked good, besides a few diamante missing. Of course, sadly I think I will be remembered as the one kept moaning about going to the toilet... And dropping the pizza on the sidewalk after Chris and I took a slice each from the eight slices. Whoops!
We also saw some firemen in action after someone decided to put a ciggie in a bin... Jen said the bin was melted.
Then it was back to the flat. We were so tired. As everyone fell asleep Chris and I were whispering there about... (I'm so going to be strangled!!!) I counted there were eight of us in the bedroom! And easily there were twenty of us in the flat. What would health and safety compliance say about this? Hey! but it was really fun.
Morning was a ruckus. Everyone going for the toilet. We later received great hospitality from Claire's parent's at their house and a good breakfast.
After breakfast we left Felix in Edinburgh and headed up the road. We stopped by at James's parent's home in Kinross, where we met his parents and sister. They were such nice people! Of course their home and garden was lovely as well.
Not long it was home time. Reached home, had a nap before going to James's and Jen's church just at the back of my flat for their first youth service.
All in all it was great weekend!
Saturday and Sunday's drink log: one dodgy glass of red sparkling wine (eewww - don't ever try that), glass of white wine, three bottles of Magners, too many cups of tea and a few cups of coffee.
After so many cups of tea and coffee, I can't stop having the feeling that I need to constantly brush my teeth.
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