Friday, 20 March 2009

I've got to stop going to bed at 2am!!!


Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Tuesday, 10 March 2009


Heard on the radio today that YouTube is going to take down all those music video as they can't afford to pay the songwriters, or they rather not want to pay any additional more to the songwriters.

A bit drastic, I suppose.

Too bad for people like us who wants instantaneous music video whenever we want it.

I have to agree that YouTube's high traffic is mainly due to people viewing music video online.

I might be wrong, but if the Performing Rights Society wanted to demand more money and then YouTube said no, and the PRS decided to change their mind, yet, YouTube is not taking any further nonesense from PRS, and pulled out all music videos to UK viewers, then wouldn't it be a loss to YouTube AND PRS??

What were they thinking?!

Maybe YouTube know better...

YouTube Video Block on BBC


It just doesn't make sense when
We can spend £19k on moving
But we can't
Get a light bulb changed
Or replace the broken microwave oven
And apparently all is done in the name of SAVING!!!

Penny wise but Pound foolish.
I think that phrase was more than likely coined by the Brits.

Yaaa-lar, I got moved again...

Monday, 9 March 2009


Apparently the "The Washing Machine Liberated Women".

But what's more interesting is the comment response at the bottom of the article! ^.^

Friday, 6 March 2009


*Get rich quick scheme.

Let me know how you get on... Hack it!

Thursday, 5 March 2009!

-2c and super hot in a day!


"If looks could kill...
...I was annihilated!"

~ Ramsay is such a joker. -__-"

Tuesday, 3 March 2009


Apparently winter is back.
It snowed.
Very slightly.

March started with a very hectic schedule. Or just hectic, not sure if there was or is any schedule.

My Line Manager suddenly left with one week notice at the end of February. It was a shock since we always thought that he would be the Last Man Standing.

But moving on is something common in our industry. After all, most of the projects are nearing completion and the programme is slowly winding down. My contract here ends in June, at least that what we all know now.

Mind you, I don't even know where I will be going after this. But I'm looking forward to new challenges, changes, and opportunities.

No, I'm not planning to jump-ship.

Again, that is the beauty of the industry, or the company you work with.

I remember I once had the dream of working by contract, moving from location to location every few months or years.

Plus, I'm feeling a bit itchy feet now as well.

I'm sure the novelty will wear down and off eventually. But when you were young(er) and free(er), that doesn't matter.

Somehow other phases in life will just fall into place. Somehow. Someway.

Like you travel all you ever want, to everywhere your heart desires. You don't realise that there is such a thing as danger. Or that money will stop you achieving what you want to.

You simply just believe and go with your heart.

And then you meet the guy / girl of your dreams, the one that fits all your wishes and requirements. Suddenly, a well paying job, career, car, house, family and pets just fall into place.


It's called dreams, a limitless imagination. Fantasy you might even say.

Work now is hectic.

I love hectic. And my current famous words, ‘busy is good’.

It’s only day two of bigger project portfolio, bigger responsibilities, more tasks.

It’s still early.

Not like my 'whole life has gone up in smoke'.

But I really don’t mind a pay rise and promotion.