Monday, 10 January 2011


In my previous post I listed some things I would like to do in the new year. And first on my list is the One Hundred Mails Project.

In a time where people don't send enough mails in the post and forwarding emails as a sign of they are still alive and thinking of you, I thought why not support the mailing service and spend a little time writing to people. Of course, wouldn't it be nice to receive a mail in the post that is not a bill asking for you to stump up your money, or worst, junk mail to 'The Occupier'.

It does seem like a mean feat one mail in every 3.65 days 3.56 days, less than 2 mails a week!

TheOtherHalf's initial reaction is "imagine the postage!"

Perhaps I can keep a record of the postage too to see how much it would cost my little project.

Ideally it would be good to send 365 mails but lets start with a more manageable target.

In this One Hundred Mails Project, mails are sent to individuals and not organisations.

To start this project, I will be posting a Wedding Congratulations Card to a colleague down south who what-are-the-chances is the wife of a very old college friend. Such a small world!

Hopefully I am more organised to be sending out birthday cards and other seasonal and celebration cards.

Here goes...
1-99 Wedding Congratulations Card

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Not long into the new year I was bored.

So I thought of a list of things that I would love to do this year.

Some of the things I would like to do are:

#1. One hundred mails
#2. Learn how to make jewellery
#3. Sugar craft (human)
#4. Take a course / class
#5. Scrapbooking

Of course, there are the other things that I need to do too:

a. Sit for my RICS Final Assessment
b. with that, I will need to draft out my Critical Analysis soon
c. Complete some of my Cub Leader training modules

However, the would like to do list will any day be more interesting and more appealing than the have to do list.

Thus I need to find a balance in achieving them all in the next 356 days. Fingers crossing... crossing rather hard.

Watch this space!