Tuesday, 27 February 2007

blog bloggin'

Everyone has their reason to blog - be it keeping in touch with people we love, friends, because everyone's doing it or just any any ANY reasons.

I started blogging to keep my family and friends informed that I am still alive and kicking (or the barely of it).

And along the way and after reading numerous blogs (of which my favourites are listed on the right), also listening to many stories, there are some nightmares to blogging too.

I believed that a blog is where we tell our deepest and truest feelings, vent our angers and gripes, our opinions, our lifes - what we did, think or feel.

I think in many ways it is a space for each one of us, possibly our sanctuary.

Then again, its funny how this space is often misused. I think people who blog does not seek to be totally agreed with but also not to be lashed back on either.

Oh well.. I shall rest my case here. I am just so shattered - probably not even knowing what I am blabbering here... Yikes!


day off

I seemed to be complaining that I don't get enough day offs - yes its true. Probably this mug has been signing so many hours, somehow blindly or just mugly.

Anyhoos, it was good to have a day off. And I think I spent it really well - at least, that is how I wish to think of it.

Had a nice lie in, had a good chat with Ian the electrician (there should be more nice people to chat with around...), watch a movie alone (Yes! I finally did it, watching a movie by myself), spent a brief time with Jenny and then with SH, and to round off the day - a nice steamboat at Yin and David's with their friends.

I was supposed to go and watch the multi award nomination/winner "The Queen" but after Ian left and all the dilly dallying, I would arrived missing the trailers, which to me, its the important bits of the movie watching experience(!) So, I went to watch "Notes on a Scandal".

I find the movie quite mind intriguing. The storyline was interesting. But the one thing that hit home was about how we trust another person, especially when we are desperate or we thought that person was our friend. Oooh... quite spooky. But think about it, if that person we trust, was it because we really trust them? Or we were desperate for someone to hear us out? Or just plainly that person was made available to us in some ways and possibly stalking us, in a way?

We never think that by telling this someone our secret that that person has an advantage over us. That possibly one day the secret would be one that will be used to threaten us or to blackmail us? Hmmm...

But watching the movie in a totally new environment, a quiet cinema in the afternoon, you sit wherever you please, it was just so fine. At least for me. I thoroughly enjoyed me time. Ahh... bliss!

I even had the joy of watching "A Tonari no Totoro" or "My Neighbour Totoro" in cantonese. I had been craving so long to watch it. Dreams come true! More bliss!

Guess like Sonja said yesterday, we should love ourselves more. And I will be doing more of this!

Sunday, 25 February 2007

** New Space **

I'm jumping on the Blogger bandwagon! (Cheers in the background...)

Guess this is where a real blogger would come to blog, eh?!

blog.ger n.
a person who updates and keeps a blog

blog (blŏg) n.
a weblog

So here I am - my journey to being a serious blogger.

Here's hoping.