Tuesday, 28 October 2008


You know you are in Malaysia when...
the toilet floors are wet!

Monday, 20 October 2008


He said...

Fancy going to the movies?
What about Wall-E or Get Smart, hows that sound?
It has to be said it's not going to be the normal cinema,
we'll be sitting at 35.000ft and travelling at 300mph.

These are the featured movies for our flight babes.
Fancy watching together?'



And the countdown begins...

Six sleeps to go.

Sunday, 19 October 2008


It started out as a belated birthday celebration.

My treat to TOH to Edinburgh Zoo... So much for trying to wake up early, at least, by the time we arrived at the zoo it was only 1210pm - we left Glasgow at 11am.

It was a lovely day (by Scottish standard). Actually, it was a beautiful October day. We were prepared for the day, so a little shower now and then wasn’t that bad. At least when the sun was out, we did felt the heat.

Edinburgh Zoo was worth every penny we paid, and we even got £1 off each! - that was a bonus. The zoo is located on a hill so there was quite a bit of walking but it wasn’t as bad as we thought it would be. The zoo bus to the top of the hill wasn’t on a regular schedule the day we visited it.

The only part that was really difficult was the last leg of the hill to the hill top for the views. Other than that, it was a good walk on a lovely day.

The interesting thing that we noticed is that most animals are in pairs. It was almost like Noah’s zoo!

My fav couple pic.

Their tails were entwined together. So lovingly.

So is this couple of one horn rhinos.

Okay, so they are not ‘entwined’ but just lovingly cuddling together.

Our fav cat.

The Pallas Cat. So cuuuute!

The newly opened Budongo Trail was amazing.

This chimpanzee enclosure is equipped with all the tools suitable for education enhancement and is kids friendly too!

This is Cindy, she is 44 years old. That is quite old, I think - considering chimps live up to about fifty plus years old in the wild and sixty plus years old in captive.

The zoo has an incredible collection of animals - 160 species.

The highlight of the day was seeing the Penguin Parade!

Everyday, the penguins come out for a stroll around this particular path or circuit. And they do it on their own accord! Apparently, the amount of penguins out for walkies is uncertain, just depend on how many feel like a stroll.

Contrary to what it is like keeping penguins in Asia, the penguins here just sit out in the open. I wonder if the water is in a colder temperature or not. So is the polar bear, it just sits outdoor and not in an air conditioned enclosure.

Edinburgh Zoo is definitely worth a visit. It is also very accessible. And it doesn’t smell like Zoo Negara.

Depending on how you see it, some animals will be in the indoor enclosure keeping warm instead of roaming about in the open. Only down side is that some animals will be hiding or hibernating with the onset of winter. I can’t remember which animal, but one of it has been hibernating since September!

I think the enclosures were cleverly designed as well - like having passages where animals can travel between enclosures, almost like a Habitrail.

I’ll upload more pics on Facebook.

And as I said earlier, my birthday present to TOH, which somehow turned out to be our 14th month anniversary celebration. Unknowingly.

Actually we both enjoyed ourselves so much that we forgotten it was the 18th. At least, it was a fantastic day out!

Friday, 17 October 2008


Ugly Betty Season Finale tonight.

And Channel 4 is sooo clever! They showed Desperate Housewives Season Finale on Wednesday night and then the last five minutes was 'Five Years Later', all the Housewives life is different. And I'm like 'What?! Have to wait until next season'.

And guess what?! The New Season starts next week.


Only that, I'm going away. So I think when I come back, hopefully am able to catch up on all the episodes because you can catch up on 4OD for a month.

Tuesday, 14 October 2008


RICS’s isurv describes itself as ‘the definitive knowledge base for property professionals’.

If you go to its APC Channel and click on any of the titles under ‘Sections in APC’, you can find the competencies descriptions in it.

But... the best thing about this site is that, for every competency, isurv provides ‘recommended reading and services’ material!

isurv also provides various other reading materials for your training or your day to day job. Although, be warned, that some (or most) contents will require subscriptions. You will need to check that your company has subscribed to isurv and that you have access to it as well.

Anyway... Now you have no excuse not knowing what to read.

This is really starting to worry me - that there is so much to read and I haven’t been doing enough in the past twelve months!

At least now I know and I will have to read, read, READ!

Monday, 13 October 2008


RBS, to the unknown is the forth biggest bank in the world, has been announced the biggest partly nationalised bank in the UK, with taxpayer owning 60% of the bank.

It happened when RBS and merged Lloyds and HBOS received £37bn bail out from the government.

Interestingly, the London Stock Exchange raised 8% and NY Stock Exchange raised 11%.

But, bank shares fall despite bail-out.

What does it all mean then? We'll just have to wait and see.

A report few months back detailing how the big wigs at the banks and City Workers received big bonuses of millions of pounds and thousands of pounds respectively.

One may argue that, 'they get high pay and big bonuses because they have high responsibilities'.

But then what happens when the top guys muck up? They leave their jobs. Sad but perhaps not.

Because they had prolly squirreled away their thousands and millions of pounds salary including bonuses. And a nice little 'gift' for their resignation / early retirement.


There is still a lot to learn...


...my gas bill for the quarter was £270.31!


Sunday, 12 October 2008


After being together for 59 weeks, this was our first weekend apart.

It wasn't really that bad. Just that we missed each other tons, and the next weekend seemed ages away.

Thankfully for technology: phone, texts, and emails.

At least both of us got quite a lot of things done as well.

He got the roof painted. I got some of my APC diary and report done.

He hung out late until 4am(!) on Friday (tsktsktsk...) and I went to Suzanne's 30th on Saturday.

We did well. *pat on our back*

Roll on Friday!

Friday, 10 October 2008


My sister, Suemae, once jest that I have so much metal fillings in my mouth that I will set a metal detector off.

Thankfully, I've never trigger a metal detector with those filling in me.

Received this in one of those forwarded email.

I supposed I got away with not triggering the metal detector, instead the fridge magnets has consistently pulled me near the fridge.

Now I know why I am shaped and sized like how I am!

Wednesday, 1 October 2008



Hope your day will be wonderful.
Hope your dreams will come true.
Love you lots and missing you.

Lots and lots of love...