Tuesday, 31 May 2011


You've got to admire the Weegie sense of humour.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011


It is not a question of when but a statement of the matter. And my view is that not all "protocol" (fingers movement included!) is quintessential.

Nope, sorry to disappoint you.

It is not the be all and end all when it suits you, or to your liking. Plus, if you had had a good look at what I had said, I don't think my view or concerns as worded by you, "suggest that you haven't thought through the decision or action you made".

It was merely my comments that we should be just and fair to all.

However, if it is a case of those who ate the chilli will feel the heat (siapa makan cili, dia rasa pedas), is there something else you are trying to tell me?

So before we burn anymore bridges before building them, it is not a good idea to be fair to everyone concerned?

But if we are going to bulldoze everything in our path because we want something to suit us and to put others in bad light, whether factual or not, we better think of the consequences before telling me what is protocol and what is not.

I'm sure you have your reasons but I am not going to be quiet on this with you telling me my concerns are outwith protocol!

By the way, your concerns and comment on protocol (in this situation) has just lost my respect, at least for now.
~ Yes-la I'm annoyed. >:(

Monday, 23 May 2011


Exciting times!!!

Remember a few weeks back (or a few posts back since the lack of posts), I did a wee change to my blog design?

After spending some time playing with the design over the weekend and fine tuning it, I am please to share with you my latest blog design!

I hope you like it! *beams*

Now, I'll just need to try to start blogging more again.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011


Was snooping around on the internet trying to find out about the luxury coach that travels between KL (Kuala Lumpur) and Singapore. So I headed on to Aeroline's website.

Besides the fantastic service and product that Aeroline provides, extra point should be given to Aeroline's courteous and well explained FAQ.

However, I can't help but sharing this. Only in Malaysia...

Screenshot from Aeroline

...don't think you'll see this on Megabus' website.

My respect to Aeroline for explaining this to folks that needed common courtesy explained to them delicately.

Prices seemed reasonable too. Will let you know if we do get on their buses one of these days.

Sunday, 15 May 2011


I was sitting in the car in Tesco this afternoon trying to pair my new phone to the car's system, just minding my own business. A Honda Civic pulled into the space beside me to my left. Parking askewed and trying to get out of his car, the driver just open his door real hard into my passenger-side door.

I heard his partner mutter something to him. I got out and said "that was a bit rough isn't it?" And he gave me the innocent look of "what do you mean?" and said something along that line. I told him that he opened his car door into my car. He blatantly tried to deny it. I told him that I saw him opening his car door into mine because I was in the car.

He knew he was wrong and tried to deny it and could only come out with a measly "shut up" before scurrying away like a balless chap.

I told him he was a prick.

What I should have told him was...
he was a prick really loudly, tell him he is a disgrace to all drivers and should blardie learn how to park his car properly. And something along the line of do himself a favour and get a legitimate driving licence!

After they left, his partner must've said something to him because when I was going into Tesco after moving my car away from parking beside such imbecile, he came out to adjust his car.

One fine day karma will get this type of liar and rude [insert explitives].

I wouldn't have been that angry if he apologised in the first place for his carelessness.

Luckily there wasn't any damage. But I was just so enraged by his lack of moral conduct.