Wednesday, 20 October 2010


My aim to start blogging again a few months back has slipped into the blackhole of blogging. So many things have happened since my last post, since my regular postings before that, and so many things that are going to be happening.

I was reading one of my most commented post recently and had a quick skim at some of my posts around that time. Reading them brought back memories of why I blogged and showed I had quite a bit of time in my hands to write down my thoughts. I do hope to get back into the routine of writing again.

A round up of what had been happening...

1. Fund raising for World Habitat Day 2010
2. Holiday in Mallorca
3. Meeting newcomers to Glasgow
4. Working down south (Southeast England)
5. Knowledge Transfer to The Netherlands
6. Enjoying Bingo
7. Water Aid Munro Challenge 2010

There are also many other things that have been on my mind. Once I have collected my thoughts I will put them into a post.

Here’s to blogging again! ^^

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