I've been facing some challenging issues lately in my life.
Most of it boils down to either a) being worried about something that has not happened; b) being worried about something that has possibly happened; c) being worried about something that may possibly happen; d) stressed over something that I can control; or e) stressed over something that I cannot control.
From the above it can sum up as I, 1. Worry a lot; and 2. Stressed a lot. Possibly for no reason at all!
The matter of uncertainty has emerged in my life time and again. Funnily I still have not grasp the concept of 'do not worry'. At times I can do it, then everything seems fine... for a while, and then somehow I start to worry again. It is a vicious cycle. At least for me.
I take comfort from verses in Matthew 6:
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?... Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? ...do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own"
But to err is only human and sadly or fortunately that I am human, so I can have my falls and failures. Hmm.. quite ironic, in some ways since I am so afraid of failures. Maybe it will be something I blog about in another time.
I guess the only way to surpress the unwanted worry is through reassurance(s). So do we go seek reassurance(s) or do we wait for it?
Wouldn't it be easier if everything comes with a manual? For you who don't know by now I have a penchant for manuals. My sister Suemae once said that she hates manuals and if she buys anything with manuals she will let me read it so that I will brief her about it. Yup, my colourful life!
So back to manuals... However, not everything is foolproof though. Then how? Panic station!!! More worrying which then leads to more stress. Do you see the cycle now??!!
I guess the only solution to many life's questions is through trusting God. As a telly addict (those who know me would agree) that I seemed to have found solace in a recent episode of Scrubs, where Bob Kelso said 'Nothing in this world that's worth having comes easy'.
Somehow that really hit home. I guess I will just have to constantly remind myself of Matthew 6 and Bob Kelso.
I don't know you but I google'd the quote "Nothing in this world that's worth having comes easy" and your blog was there. I don't know why but for some strange coincidence whenever I'm down and don't know what's going on that episode of scrubs is on T.V.
i just googled that same phrase after watching that episode... it was really what i needed to hear :)
I guess Scubs must be the best thing tv ever brought us!
that is exactly what i did too!
OMG..it may sound crazy BUT I DID THE SAME THING! :| googled it after watching that...
i thought it was funny, all the people who got here by the scrubs quote, so i had to join in and say that is how i found this also.
I'll join the club...that show is fantasical
'nothing in life worth having comes easy' is something my mother always tells me to make me feel better or give me the strength to keep fighting, as i am also a constant worrier, to the point where it is almost manifesting. Tonight i was cooking dinner and my dad was watching scrubs and i overheard that quote, and then by chance came across your blog on google. I think you did a great job and i can really relate to what you said. im having troule learning the same life lesson right now and I guess its one of those things that will come eventually. Good luck! :)
yeah, i'm here because of scrubs too.
Scrubs brought me here!
I love that show, almost always gives me something to think about.
Uncertainties in life comes hand in hand to being human. To have nothing that concerns or worries you, would be something very sad.
As a great man said
"Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty... I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led diffcult lives and led them well"...Theodore Roosevelt
Enjoy your life, smile, take one step at a time....
I'm here because of scrubs too
nothing in life worth having is ever easy... those were the words of the commanding officer of Officer Candidate School for a Marine Officer Class that some people made a video about a while ago. Those words are golden.
Wow just saw that show...I love scrubs! I googled it to...lol
go scrubs!
ditto scrubs! :)
Also found from trying to get the exact Scrubs quote, but found more comfort than that. My fiancee recently broke up with me after almost four years of us being together, and she told me she didn't know why, but she felt like God was telling her to. I wish it were still as simple as that, but she has reasons for things now. Anyway, I have known Matthew 6 for quite a while, I even quoted it to her often when she freaked out, and though I still remembered it, it didn't really hit me. Thanks for sharing it; I know I need to trust Him more, it's just really hard sometimes.
I'm glad to know that Scrubs has brought us here together.
Sorry to hear about what happened to you Chris. It is indeed hard to trust in God. But faith makes it a bit more easier. Hang in there.
I googled that exact quote from scrubs too. My friend who knows im going through a rough spot astually told me that to cheer me up
Yes, scrubs for me too. Great episode.
OMFG!! its crazy cuz i ALSO saw it on scrubs and was like 'wow thats an unbelievably amazing and inspirational quote'...and its seems scrubs is a definite popular and powerful show cuz i always see people find songs or quotes from there.....I LOVE SCRUBS!...and yeah i also googled the quote and thats how i got here
I'm here cos of Scrubs too =D
Amazing. Great quote tho, and it's also good to know there are people out there who think exactly as I do!
yes its the scrub for me too that let me google the phrase.
I must say it has hit at the right spot, I am going through some tough time with my husband, not anyones fault, just we are in a long distance relationship and things aren't in our hands, so all the agitation and aggrivation come along with it, but after listening to that quote, I guess I can sit and contemplate a bit, have lived 4 years of long distance already, can fight more because its worth it!
I'm also in a long-ish distance relationship. I'm not sure how far in distance wise you are, but mine is not as long as for four years.
Still, I'm sure there are ways to make your relationship work.
Find ways and means but never give up. All the best!
I am here cuz of scrubs too.... beautiful quote... cuz it s true.... n it s amazing how all of us ended up googling the quote!! I am from bangalore, India, btw...! I love that show!
I just watched scrubs as well, well the last few minutes of the episode. What I liked though was the part about how the average doctor these days is to stupid to even compete with google. I know this from personal experience. Though really the problem is rather complex as to why. This quote stood out the best to find this episode.
just wanted to join the "Scrubs is great" chorus here. Seems as if humor is really international. I'm from Germany :)
It's a little bit sad so, that we need television to give us quotes that help us and that we remember. But I guess that's modern culture. Just want to tell you, who are going through a tough time right now: You never walk alone! There is someone who knows your heart, your every thought and will comfort you on your way. He, who offered to be acountable for all your failures, knows how hard life can be for us humans. But whatever struggle we might face, He sees us through, He knows that we will reach the other side. So trust Him, "because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." (that's from James 1, 3-4).
Take Care!
PS: Thanks Google ;)
Guess what :)Scrubs rules...
Thank you Bob Kelso, you are not so bad after all :-p
long live scrubs!!
i suppose i'd hav 2 thank google 2.. tht a whole loada a strangerz abuv living milez away offering me comfortin wordz durin dese testing tymz ..
thnk u all :)
I just googled that quote from scrubs too (it was just on tv). As soon as Dr. Kelos said that, I felt like I just zoomed in on the tv and nothing else was around. I've been going through a whole lot of rough things lately, more than usual and that quote really got to me.
Great quote..
Great scrubs..
Great u all ..
also here because of scrubs. :D Just finished watching the episode. needed some motivation to get me through my life, that quote really hit home for me
Scrubs rulez... I google it the quote "nothing in this world that's worth having comes easy" damn we should have a QUOTE WIKI for Scrubs...
Have a great day...
This is hilarious! I'm here because of scrubs too!
Just finished watching the last episode of Season 8, and this was the quote that struck me the most. The way scrubs ended was disappointing and below expectations :(
And yes, I was here for the same reason.
lol scrubs too... but who originally said it
Scrubs too. Just last night, a re-run i guess . . . Really hit home, made me stop worrying for about a minute. The Ultimate Gift is a great movie for people like us, just putting it out there.
it is amazing , im from mexico city , and i am going through a lot of stuff right now , and i google'd this quote because of scrubs , it is really helping me.
Scraubs as well!!
Thankyou all so much :) I read all the comments and it really did insprire me and make everything feel a lot less rubbish.
Hope everyone is getting through their individual trials and tribulations.
wow. would you look at this site! may of 2007 and it's still pouring scrubs isn't it? incredible how we're all connected and intertwined one way or another.
i'm sure what you probably went through more than 3 years ago (lol) has already passed, and that you may even be an entirely different person now? but i wanted to suggest a few things.
you said, you liked manuals? this isn't really even a manual, but it has helped me get to know myself better than i ever would have on my own. it got me to admitting how much of a liar i have become to myself when i thought what i was doing was simply manipulating everyone around me. i was evil. :/
but my point is, this book changed me; "the road less traveled" by m. scott peck. please look it up?
to quote him,
"one measure, and perhaps the best measure of man's greatness, is his capacity for suffering."
"Life is difficult. This is the great truth, one of the greatest truths—it is a great truth because once we see this truth, we transcend it."
"The second most common misconception about love is that dependency is love.... When you require another individual for your survival, you are a parasite on that individual.... Two people love each other only when they are quite capable of living without each other but choose to live with each other."
^_^ and lastly, i want to quote 2 more great souls. 1st is Gandhi,
"happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
Khalil Gibran said: We choose our joys and our sorrows long before we experience them.
think about it! i mean, REALLY think about it. especially on bad situations we find ourselves being in? even if in these moments, in these times we almost swear we didn't know what we were getting ourselves into? when it turns out bad?
really Look. look back. because there is always something that we know before actually having committed to doing it (in the back of our minds) that tells us it's not right before we actually have it done.
otherwise, we're probably just robot prototypes walking around without a thought in our heads. but even that is also a choice we make. to stay thought-less rather than thinking before doing. making calculated risks prior to making a decision rather than doing things on blind faith. :)
we decide.
“Until you value yourself, you won't value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it.” -peck
oh, and by the way, i haven't seen that particular episode of scrubs. but after seeing how hilarious this 3plus-year incident is? you've all gotten me to wanting to watch it now. ^_^
i'm horrible with promises aren't i? i've said a number of paragraphs ago that that was "lastly" lol. i apologize.
but i just thought i'd leave you with a prayer. which i'm almost so certain you probably already know anyway. but what the heck :p
God, grant us the...
Serenity to accept things we cannot change,
Courage to change the things we can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference
Patience for the things that take time
Appreciation for all that we have, and
Tolerance for those with different struggles
Freedom to live beyond the limitations of our past ways, the
Ability to feel your love for us and our love for each other and the
Strength to get up and try again even when we feel it is hopeless.
- Reinhold Niebuhr
super duper ultimate last of the LAST-hicans;
Lord, let me be brave enough to love, strong enough to forgive, generous enough to rejoice in another's happiness, and wise enough to know there is enough love to go around for us all of us, mankind. AMEN.
Godspeed to all of us! ^_^
Me too...after watching scrubs, i googled the quote "Nothing worth having comes easy" and i got to this website.
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