Tuesday, 30 September 2008


Dearest Daddy
Wishing you good health, happiness and love always...

Sunday, 28 September 2008


There was a Scouting joke I heard when I was still actively in Scouts.

Every two years (if my memory serves me right), the Malaysian and Singaporean Scouts will participate in the bi-annually Goodwill Camp (or Goodwill Camporee or Kem Muhibbah). The camp will be held alternately in either country.

One of the Scout badges or one of the activity as part of a badge (I can’t remember which one because it has been that long ago) requires a Scout to have ‘foreign’ or ‘overseas’ pen friends - and Malaysia and Singapore are separated by the sea (Straits of Johor, to be exact). Hence, the Singaporeans recognises Malaysia as an overseas country, even though we are just a drive over the causeway away - actually any country other than Singapore itself, is an overseas country because they are an island after all!

Anyways... back to the point of this post...

So there I was watching the interviews during the pre-Singapore F1 race, and they interviewed the President of Singapore, S.R. Nathan.

As if having the first F1 night race and first Asian Street Circuit wasn’t awe-inspiring already, seeing that their president (without trying to sound overly prejudice) is an Indian, really intrigues me on what this country over-the-sea is all about.

If you like me, believe and wanting to see true unity in diversity, will understand where this post is going to go to.

I mean, I know where Singapore is. I know what it is like, I’ve been there a few times, I’ve friends from or living there but I think I need to know more about this cili padi of a country.

So, I Googled them.

And yes, I know - take everything you read (online or not) with a pinch of salt.

Where were we…?

Yes. As far as I know, English is their first language, their national anthem is in Malay, and their prime ministers have been ethnic Chinese.

Well, their past prime ministers have been and currently is still held by an ethnic Chinese. Will this change? We can only wait and see.

The national language of Singapore is Malay, hence, the national anthem? - is in Malay.

However, one of the official language and the language of administration is English.


Moving on... their current president is a Singaporean ethnic Indian and their past presidents have been a mixture of Malay, Eurasian, Chinese and Indian descendant.

Perhaps the only lacking in the whole equation is a woman in position.

I’m sure that there will be complaints or dissatisfactions by Singaporeans on their political scene there but on the surface, it does seemed like a country that embraced unity in diversity, in a balanced manner, in the sense of everyone who qualifies has and it has been proven, that they can be a president (for now not inclusive of the role of Prime Minister) regardless of your ethnicity.

Now, what are the chances of a non-Muslim being elected the Prime Minister of Malaysia or *gasp* a Sultan for that matter or *gasp*…?

For a country that strives for self sufficiency, there are a lot of reading materials out there to backup Singapore's desire and will to be that. How about that?!

Does seemed like a ‘where there is a will, there is a way’ country.

...that over the sea country.


Did you watch the Singapore F1 race?

First night race. First Asian street circuit.

Marina Bay circuit – was indeed a good course.

It was a good race indeed.

So much awe-ness.

So bright - one generator to every four lights. I'm certain that you can see the circuit from space. I wonder if there are any satellite pics of the race or not?

So much dramas.

Unexpected twists.

*Good sigh*

I was eagerly looking forward to the race and it didn’t disappoint at all.

I was rooting for Felipe Massa - just because he had won all the street races so far in this season.

Until, the first safety car.

Until, THAT horror incident which cost him the lead position.

And then Kimi Raikonen’s unfortunate crash out - right at the last four laps.

There goes the red team chance.

And dreams are indeed possible at F1 as Fernando Alonso proved to everyone.

The fourteen place climb was indeed an achievement. Lucky guy!

Somehow I was glad that Lewis Hamilton didn’t win. But he put up a good performance by overtaking David Coultard.

I wonder if there will be an investigation into the fuel hose incident. Luckily nothing serious happened to the engineers but still... This incident could easily be a drama itself.

Whose fault was it?

Is it the signaller’s fault? The fuel engineer’s fault?

Or in true Singaporean term: did someone sabo* Massa / Ferrari?

*sabo = sabotage

Hmmm? *with inquisitive and suspicion look*

We can only wait and see. I'm so glad I caught the race. *beams*

Thursday, 25 September 2008


We often take for granted saying ‘grandfather/mother stories’ when trying to imply listening / telling / reading detailed or long winded stories.

So... What happened was I was sitting with PMBrian earlier filling up a form.

ennazus: I don’t think we have enough space to put your grandfather story in there.
PMBrian: *started laughing* Is that a Malaysian saying?
ennazus: Oh. You don’t say it over here?

There you go. A little Malaysian-ana for you.

Wednesday, 24 September 2008


Here are some useful information for your APC training.

Tools: DeLever

You can get planning and study aid from DeLever.

Order your free! Timeline Wallchart and Top 20 Tips to help you with your APC planning, whether you are planning to embark or already started your APC training.

DeLever also organises APC / ATC seminars, provide Podcasts and RTA support, and sells APC diary software as well as DVDs.

You can also subscribe to the APC/ATC updates.

And guess what?! They even have a Facebook page where you can read and discuss any APC issues - 'APC Support and Discussions – Jon Lever FRICS FInstCPD (RTA)'.


Reading: APC Advice on Property Week

At APC Advice, you will find what you need to do step by step on your APC journey.

It is a twelve month guide and you can read the start of this year’s cycle here. At the end of each guide, there is a write up on a competency.


Reading: APC Trainer on Building

Building Magazine has a section called ‘APC Trainer’.

You can find out notes on every Mandatory and Technical competencies, it includes potential question asked during your APC Interview.

Don’t forget to bookmark this page or subscribe via RSS as new articles are available weekly.



This is a long overdue post which I meant to write ages ago.

The APC diary is used to record your APC experience.

You will need to record your day to day activities on what is it and what you did. You should also mention the name of the projects that you were working on. The diary should be as elaborate as you think you could write but not overly detailed.

Try to write it as if someone with no knowledge of your project would pick up and able to understand what you are trying to record. So you don’t want to bore them with too many nitty gritty details. However, if there is an issue that you want to highlight, you might want to write it in detail.

You will need to remember that although the diary is not checked by anyone other than your Supervisor or Counsellor, or that you don’t need to submit it to RICS, the diary should be written clear enough for you to revisit what you have written as well.

If your company does not provide a template for you to record your experience, you can download the RICS templates as mentioned in Section Thirteen of the APC Candidate’s Guide.

For the diary, RICS has even come up with a suggested format.

Don’t forget:
- you should not record a period of less than half a day
- you are not required to record the Mandatory competencies
- you should only record one Technical competency to each day or half day period.

For more info on recording your experience, read page thirteen onwards of the APC Candidate’s Guide.

The following are bad and good examples for comparison.

Bad Example

Good Example

The recording of your diary is not confined to the above example. Chat with your Supervisor and seek his/her advice to improve.

You should aim to complete your diary once a week, so that you are not overwhelmed by the task and be put off completing your diary altogether. Ideally, if you are super organised, record your diary at the end of each day or the beginning of the next day.

At the end of every month, you will need to total up your hours and record it in your log book.

You will need to provide your log book at every Supervisor / Counsellor meeting to chart your progress for the quarter. At that time, your Supervisor / Counsellor can advice on what activities or competencies require more attention so that you get a balanced experience at the end of your training.

Don’t forget that you will need to submit your log book to RICS during your interim and final assessment.

Additional reading on:
--Property Week's ‘Recording your experience’

--Jon Lever's APC Support & Discussion on Facebook 'Getting Started on your APC'. Scroll along and you can see some advice on recording your diary.


Floating airport with floating AND rotating runways!

Read it all here.


Opportunist. Is it a sin to be one? Or perhaps is it wrong to try?

Sometimes in life you do wonder if you are really worth what you think YOU are?

There are hundreds of books, articles, programmes, courses, etc... out there telling people they are ‘unique’, ‘wonderful’, ‘special’, etc.

Then there is the reality of who really gives a damn?!

When does trying become ‘taking the piss’?

What about ‘if you don’t try you won’t know’.

But, sometimes the result of trying just makes you feel that you don’t worth as much as you think you do.

Do you really worth as much as you think you are?

Otherwise, wake and smell the coffee, I suppose.

Tuesday, 23 September 2008



You can’t help thinking about it.

It is the concern of all issues.

It is the cause of all problems.

It is the root of all disputes.

And as the saying goes, everything is money, even though money is not everything.

Is there anyone who moans that they have too much money? - So much so that they don’t know what to do about it?

I think so not.


A touchy subject to mention.

One may be short of money and feel that they are struggling, but then, there are those who have none at all.

A bit of a, if one was diagnosed will illness but compared to the one with terminal illness and dying in days, suddenly all is not all that bad.

But, we are only human. We worry about the things unknown. We worry about what will happen next. We worry about the sky falling down even.

We. Just. Worry.

Yes. The whole Matthew 6:25-27 just went out the window.

I could list down all the things whether financial or not - that we, as human worry our pants off. And so does the next person (everyone can do a list, what's new?!).

I can start fretting and worrying about all (not that I don’t normally do). And so what? It doesn’t settle by it self or go away.

Why can’t we ever be content? And also not to worry about money?

When will I earn or have sh*tload of money?!

The what happens next?


I find comfort reading ‘Do not worry about tomorrow’. It will do for now.

I suppose, one person’s ‘lack of’ is a blessing considering others who ‘don’t even have it’.

We just need to believe that everything will be fine.

More importantly, we just need to be thankful for what we have (and don’t have for that matter).

So, can I still wish to be minted?!


How not to park your car...




Hope you have a wonderful birthday and living the dream!


Wednesday, 17 September 2008


It's official!

Christmas don't start in October anymore...

It starts in SEPTEMBER!!!

Chocolates and sweeties

Christmas cards!!!


Tuesday, 16 September 2008



So damnblardie annoyed.

Found out that the flights TOH and I booked a couple of weeks back is now £274(!) cheaper!!!





Wednesday, 10 September 2008


I want to go to Australia!

*Please pray that I get to go...

Monday, 8 September 2008


Where do you draw the line between determine and obsessed?

There are some, who prefer to find the solution, no matter what - the kind who keep searching until they come to a resolution, a closure.

Then, there are those, who investigate and gather all proof and knowledge to satisfy themselves, to accept that why things are because of all the hard evidence.

And then there are some. Who knows what they are looking for, finds an abnormality, search for a solution, and fret about not knowing the reason, but still pining hope for an answer - a relieved answer.

Many times we just want someone to listen, or to reassure us that everything will be a-okay, preferably someone with a substantiated answer.

Yes, it is not easy. But is it impossible?

However, people are easy to judge - you, me, the person next to you. We are all the same, like it or not.

We don’t understand why people feel what they feel.

We try to understand why they expressed their experience.

Yet, it is so easy to just brand someone - worrier, determined, obsessed, etc.

Indeed, there are those who easily discount the fact that we just want to achieve our goal - the goal to find out the truth.

How far should one go to seek this knowledge? To seek their goals? Aspirations? Dreams?

Where do you draw the line to stop? To give up? To lose hope?

Where do you decide that it is not determination but obsession?

Friday, 5 September 2008


3 months ago, there was a dread knowing that once Big Brother is back, gone are the interesting topical documentaries; fashion; cookery; and property programmes and good old American dramas on Channel 4.

Having only watched (rather) intensely one series of BB and never really liking it, I thought why not give it a chance? After all, it is going to invade our lives anyways.

Compared to the previous years, I think C4 has come to their senses and not show BB on C4 endlessly on its evening/night slot. I believe BB is still being broadcasted live on E4 but this doesn’t bug me anymore because I don’t have E4.

Anyways, I must admit I look forward to the daily one hour long highlights - 24 hours condensed into an hour. The website is great but it would have been good if they have videos of all diary room chats (I think ‘Diary Room Uncut’ is available on 4OD).

I was a bit disappointed that I’ve prolly missed about a third of the highlights.

So three months.

Yes, three months has come to past and we are left with final five housemates, all vying for a chance to win the £100,000 prize money. Out of the five only four are part of the original housemates.

Tuesday’s sudden double eviction has not only thrown housemates off guard but also viewers!

Not only it was sudden, favourite to win, Katherya was evicted!

As annoying as she can get, I’m sure gasps were heard across the country.

Tonight’s BB final. I know where I will be.

Thursday, 4 September 2008


Life is constantly full of change. Come to think about it, life without change would be stagnant, boring and not challenging at all.

Yes, there has and will be change.

The BigGuy has left the team to work in another part of the (client’s) business or location to be exact. I think he is the best Senior Project Manger anyone could ask for. Since I’m handling most of the in-house delivery partner projects, my portfolio of projects has been absorbed by an SPM who deals mainly with IHDP on other project solutions.

I haven’t thought of a nickname for this SPM yet, as what I have in mind may not be the best name.

Bottomline is that, I’m dreading working with this guy. AD worked with him and I can see for myself what kind of person he is at work and at social events.

*Dreads - big time*

Interestingly, I found out that two out of my three project managers are not looking forward to working with NewSPM.

*More dread*

Well, I can only hope for the best and shall wait and see how it goes. I do hope that our wonderful team will continue to stick together.

Why couldn’t we be a standalone team? *sigh*

AD has been told that his services with the existing client will end soon. And the company has another job/client lined up for AD, still in the same industry, same-ish roles but different location - travelling to work increases and also a bit of travelling to the north of the country.

AD is a really good listener - will really miss having him around.

Will miss our wee lunch outings every now and then.

I’ll still prolly see him at least every two months, but, it will never be the same.

Will just have to embrace change. It is after all easier than to resist.

I can only hope.

Wednesday, 3 September 2008


- Property prices in the Scottish capital, Edinburgh fell for the first time in 37 years.
- Gordon Brown decided to give a ‘tax holiday’ on stamp duty for properties less than £175k. No stamp duty for a year.
- Potential saving of up to £1,750. But how many properties is less than £175k? And most new build developers are ‘paying’ the stamp duty for the buyers, anyway.
- Who is going to fund the void? How is the government paying for this 1% stamp duty?
- Inflation currently at 4% and might reached 5.3% by November.
- Growth is only 1.2% compared to 1.8% forecasted. Lowest growth in 40 years.
- Bank of England interest at 5%.
- Average mortgage interest about 7%.
- Recession looming. What is it going to be like?
- High inflation, high fuel price - even though price per barrel has dropped.
- Repossession of properties rise by 48% compared to a year ago.