Tuesday, 17 April 2007

in the distance

Last night just before I switched off the computer, news on Virginia Tech shootings were highlighted on MSN.

It was disturbing to know yet another education establishment in the States has made the headlines, through bad news.

What is becoming of this world?!

My thoughts went out to the people I know who are living across the pacific as well as those who have made plans to go there. And to think that I could have been at St. Louis studying. (I know its quite a distance but thats not the point...)

Guns seem so real compared to when we were playing with them as a child. We pretend to be police and theives - sticking out our fingers imitating a gun; cowboys and indians; etc. Then there were slingshots as well as rubber band slingshots. Guns in theme parks: you shoot something down or you shoot the target to move something.

During those times, it was more like target practice. Innocent childsplay. Fun.

As we grow older, we learn the reality of guns. Not that there were no gun crimes in the past but cases like high school shooting; shooting of school children on the streets; gang shootings; sniping; etc seemed just another day's news.

When news such as shootings in other country we seemed to just brush it off... 'oh, its them not us'. We only raise panic alarms when it happens in our own backyard. Still what can we do? What can the government do? What can the country do? Is there anyone to blame?

Whatever that seems to be the solution, there will still always be a 'hole' where someone will bypass the system.

Will we ever be safe again?

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