Thursday, 3 May 2007


Anxious... anxious...

Something is bothering me. Did I did it right? Was it good enough? Is it going to be okay? I want to know! I want it badly! Urrrgghh...

Anxious.. anxious...

Maybe it won't be that bad. I hate this period of waiting. Its not helping the anxiety. Urrggh...

Maybe it is A-okay. I shouldn't be so worried.

Anxious... anxious...

Is this meant to be?


Yeah, maybe it wouldn't be that bad.

The long walk to Manchurian did me some good. Gave me a lot of time thinking. It won't be that bad... I hope. Fingers and toes crossed.

Before I met Keith and Harry I was over anxious. Anxiety building up. I thought to myself, if SH can do it while he was miles away, I can do it too. Spoke to SH about it - we are the same, before: anxiety; after that okay: probably 'Just Do It!' Then I met Keith and Harry. They were really nice.

Anyways, had a good supper at Manchurian and just got back. Thought I let this off so that I can go to bed. Good food, good fellowship. Alcohol helps a little... Nah, not tonight, I was drinking quite sensibly. The karaoke helped. Did it? Hmmm... Note to self, better buck up on my chinese. Couldn't read half the words, hence can't sing most of it. Damn!

Keith will be here in less than five hours time. I think I will just sleep on the couch and have the duvet over my head. He will let himself in. Let me have a good lie in. Its been a while.

Anxious... anxious...

When will it go away? Give me good news pleeeaaassee...

Drink log: three double vodka orange

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