Friday, 28 September 2007


It was good to come back to a relaxing work day after three days of leave. The only work part of the day was to check emails.

We were then off on our way to Perth for the Centennial Horse Race and last race day of the season.

Not having any experience at the races, it was an eye opening experience. There were quite a big group of us from various client sites in Scotland. It was a team away day.

We first had lunch: three course affair. After not being fed properly for the last few days, this was a feast for my tummy.

During lunch, we discussed and decide what horses we are going to place our bets on. After lunch, everyone just goes off to place their bets.

There were the normal on street bookmakers and there were the bookmakers on site. It was very interesting to learn all about betting on horses. Terms like ‘one-way’, ‘both-ways’, ‘to win’, and ‘placing’ are among some of the terms used.

Then there were the odds against each horse as well to understand of. These number fractions highlight the amount of pay outs and are influenced by the amount of bets punters place.

There were seven races yesterday. Each of varying categories and includes ‘Steeplechase’, ‘Hurdles’, ‘Handicaps’ as well as novices/amateurs.

I think a lot of us were amazed how the horses seems to be slower than what you see on telly. I do admit I was expecting them to travel faster and maybe just zoom by in a flash. But horses are not light (whichever meaning you are thinking of) so they don’t zoom by.

The atmosphere at the racecourse was a relaxed one. Most of the race goers were dressed warmly and there were some who dressed… not so warmly. It was a rather cold day for September. I wished I brought my gloves with me. At least it was dry.

There were many people there and one can’t help wondering how many of these people don’t need to go to work.

All in all, it was a good day. A very good experience. I only lost £4. Maybe I will win more the next time, if there is ever one.

Pictures to follow.

Drinks log: three glasses white wine (sauvignon blanc), two G&T

Friday, 21 September 2007


Six weeks into the job and I’ve been invited to various social events.

There was the BBQ on Loch Lomond, then we had karting last week (which I will blog about it, hopefully not long from now), and last night there was a drinks event.

I guess one thing that helps is that I’m working for so many people (in a way).

Last night’s event was an interesting one. The event was to celebrate the acquisition of companies by our mother company. We had colleagues from other companies, working in various locations; and we had clients as well at the event.

It was held at the trendy November Café in Princess Square. It is indeed a really nice shopping centre. Really reminded me of Starhill (which I didn't know has now been rename as Starhill Gallery. The website has this really nice French song I heard on YouTube) in Bukit Bintang, KL. Saw some really good artworks at a stall in the centre. Might just start my collection of Glasgow art.

I must have heard wrongly the week before that we will be served dinner, since it was a restaurant. Anyways, on the way there, I said to AD ‘I hope they serve proper food. Finger food is not food. It is just snacks.’

Both of us were hungry. Me as usual, have this fuss about drinking and food.

It was pouring (in Scottish standards). I was moaning that the water was getting into my shoes. Goodness! What’s new?!

As much as I like socialising, there is something about being in a room with people you hardly know of. My Boss asked us to mingle. He did try to get the ball rolling though. Not easy as not sure what to talk about.

But after some silly conversations, moving around and chatting with people, we ended up in a group of us, who clearly actually work for the company to chat about almost everything.

It was interesting to see that there were more men than women.

It was interesting to see that there were so many men that were dressed up in their suits, clearly coming after work.

Who would imagine that I would be attending after work events such as this?

My image of work life was go to work, slave slave slave, work work work, go home and then the routine start again the next morning, everyday for five days a week.

Oh well. It may be a one off. But I know that there are quite a few events coming up. So it’s good.

Unfortunately, when food was served, it was finger food! Thank havens food was served instead of us diving into it. One thing we can’t stand was that the waiting staff kept asking us ‘would you like some this and some that?’ The obvious answer was ‘yes, we want everything and more than just one piece!!!’ but we can’t, we have to be considerate and we have to behave. ;P Food was nice but not enough.

Drinks log: Four glasses of white wine (don’t even know what type).

AD drop me at my nice guest house, waited for TOH to finish his chore, because I wanted to call him and have a chat. Didn’t realise that I fell asleep waiting for his text. The next thing I knew, there was a text on my phone and it was already one in the morning!

So I went back to sleep. Having drinking so much, so fast and hardly much food in my tummy, it was only natural to wake up rough. Luckily that was four in the morning. Had quite a few cups of water and then went back to bed. Come six in the morning, I’m happy and hunky dory!

Shouldn’t really disclose my little secret on how to have loads to drink the night before and going to work without a hangover. Now TOH knows and he will not be as impressed as before.

The finger food for dinner didn’t really help so I’m so so hungry now. Where is the Nasi Lemak? Mee goreng? Hmmm…

Next week would be an amazing week. Even though it is holiday Monday, it’s not holiday for us but I have Monday to Wednesday off as the big move is happening on Monday. Just need to start packing when I get home tonight, no, I will start packing tomorrow. Full on packing.

Fingers crossed.

Then Thursday, the client’s Commercial and Planning team are going to Perth for the Horse Races. How cool is that?! Whole day event. I’m still wondering what to wear. I just need to know what the winning horse is and bet on it. Any ideas?

Then Friday to catch up on my work and before you know it, it’s the weekend. TOH will be here and it IS going to be an amazing week!

Thursday, 20 September 2007

flat hunting: part 2

After weeks of sitting in front of the computer, arbitrary looking for a flat, arranging for viewings, got ffk-ed (stood up) by appointments, viewed a couple of flats, got the paperwork done, waited patiently, I have finally found a flat, got confirmation of it, and am moving in next week! Phew, that’s a long sentence!

I honestly didn’t know where to start. It was just browsing after browsing. Clicking and clicking. But I did nothing about it.

Possibly had even missed out on a few good flats. Who knows?

Had a long wait, almost two weeks, to view a flat to only found out that it has white meter heating (see my earlier post on this). The flat was located in a rather nice area, as far as I know on paper. I was actually looking forward to view the flat and the area, but guess me and that flat was not fated to be together.

Then I had an appointment to view a flat on the same street as Craig and Ally, only to have the Landlord taking back the flat on the day of viewing! Great.

Time was running out, in a way. I was stressing out because it was almost end of August, my four weeks of paid accommodation was coming up soon, and students were starting to invade the city hunting for flats too.

At one point, I got rather desperate. I was looking for temporary accommodation and a permanent one as well. I went near to the Clyde and had a look at some executive apartments, well, the area, since I couldn’t get hold of the person in charge of the flat.

I had this imagine of me living in those flats, and it was like a life in KL or Singapore. Me in my posh-ish looking flat, overlooking the Clyde or the surroundings, in the area with more of these executive/luxury flats, have secured parking and even lifts to my flat (rather than walking up the stairs). The location of the flat made public transport not that ideal. It was a good twenty minutes walk to a decent frequent service bus stop. I needed a car if I lived there. What an excuse! But no, not feasible.

I finally went to my first flat viewing. AD was really kind to drive me there to have a look at the place. The flat was huge!!! The rooms were huge, except for the kitchen. Other than that everything was huge! There were two bedrooms too. However, everything in the flat was very dated. A drive round the corner later, the streets around it wasn’t the most pleasant either. Going to work was a bit of a pain as well. So it was a NO.

It was the same day that all the excitement happened. Wonderful.


The next day, I went to view another flat. Had a conversation the night before with PC Murphy and he said that it was a good area. Mr. PM drop me for the flat viewing after a site meeting. The viewing was really quick. I liked the place. I probably should have viewed in more detail but I just wanted the place badly. I’m honestly hoping there is no problem and there is nothing to worry about since it was such a rash decision. After viewing the flat, it took about five minutes or less, I rushed to the office so that I can put in my interest for the flat.

Sadly, because I do not had any form of money, I couldn’t do much but to take the form away with me, fill it up and come back with a booking fee and a fee for credit check.

The next day, after collecting my belongings from the police station, AD drove me to the agent and submit my form and part with my cheque.

Then it was sitting and waiting. Until now.

I’m starting to look forward to moving to Glasgow next week.

I think it is more of the fact that when I finish work, I have a place to go home to. Now, I just go off from work. I can’t say I go home, unless it is Friday.

This weekend is a full-on packing. No excuses!

Wednesday, 19 September 2007


What happened last evening was as good as your guess and mine.

Many times we are faced with situations that you really don’t know what is happening or why it is happening or even why it happened.

That was how I felt when The Big Guy, Mr. ComMgr, Mr. Planner, Mr. PM, LMM, and myself: ComQS had that discussion last evening. We even have the Rather Highest One in the conversation too!

I remember The Big Guy at one point say that we will stay here every evening to get the thing sorted even if it meant him buying fish suppers.

I hope that was not a serious comment! Although it sounded serious at that time. Don’t think I can have fish suppers every night.

There I was wondering my existence. Wondering why or what I was doing there.

It is the same with many issues in life. Why do you exist? Why and what are you doing here? What are you doing is it right? Or is it wrong? What’s next?

And amongst the heated discussion, all that crossed my mind was that I wanted to lie down there and then on the blue/grey/purpleish carpet and stare at the ceiling above me, letting the discussion and voices drift into something incoherent.

Naïve as it seems I just felt that if I own up or just take the blame of whatever the issue, it will go away. But that is the same with life, not everything will go away or solve by itself even if you own up to something, whether it is caused by you or not.

I just felt as if I just stirred a huge pot of shite. All was probably calm and peaceful before my presence. Mind you, this is not exactly the first pot I’ve stirred ever since started work.

Still rather confused with all that has happened, I spoke to The Big Guy this morning. It is still a work in progress but the way he said it was ‘it was an open and frank discussion’.

It wasn’t a bad thing after all. And the fact that he said it that way shows what a little perception can do wonders.

Mr. PM later said to me that it was a very good discussion as the problem has been there all along but the fact that it has been highlighted to the Mighty Powers Above making them realised that there is such an existing issue, is a step to change, a step to improvement, a step to solving an issue.

Pat on the back?


On the issue of perception, there once was this story I heard…

A boy once participated in a race in his school. There were only two participants to the race. He wasn’t the fastest. When he went home, he excitedly told his parents that ‘I ran in the race and I was the second one from the top!’.


Is the glass half full or half empty?


Guess at the end of the day, life is not as bad as it may sound. It is just a matter of perception.

Tuesday, 18 September 2007

confused to the bone

I really don't know what just happened

After a long debate with people in my team all across the board and all the way up, I really don't know what to think.

All I want to do is to lie on the carpet and stare at the ceiling.

I better just go off.

ever since

Ever since, everyday is a day I look forward to.

Ever since, weekends and weekdays went by as fast.

Ever since, I can’t believed I can talk so much on the phone.

Okay, I do talk a lot I know. It was record breaking for the both of us! Who would believe two and a half hours!!! BT must really regret having free evening calls.

Ever since, my monthly mobile free allowance is not enough.

Ever since, I’ve spend so much on my mobile all of which is well worth the spend.

Ever since, you have contributed to bringing up messages in my inbox to 1,032 and counting!

Ever since, I know that no matter the distance, you are always close by.

Ever since, every single little thing reminds me of you.

Ever since, those little things make me smile suddenly.

Ever since, you have made such an impact in my life.

Ever since, I had the best thirty-one days.

Ever since, I look forward to all the days to come spending each one with you.

With lots love...

Monday, 17 September 2007


Human hairiness have somewhat caught my attention since… since I can remember.

Asian men are not the most hairy of species, with the exception of Indian men: hairy chest, arms and much facial hair. Chinese men on the other hand, would possibly be categorised as the least hairy of the lot, if my observation serves me right.

And as many who know me, I have this not obsession but inclination of men with facial hair. Goodness I sound like some hair chasing maniac!

Anyways, back to the topic, I noticed that whenever I meet someone with hairy arms it really catches my fascination. And I couldn’t help but ask if I can rub my hand across the guy’s hairy arms. Thinking about it, maybe it has some similarity of stroking an animal. ;P

I must have caught many guys in surprise. Among those who fall victim to my impromptu request of arm stroking includes my assistant course rep in college and possibly a rather huge number of my guy friends, including TOH.

Something primal about men with such ‘feature’? I can only but wonder.

Anyways, I must have rouse and cause quite a bit of embarrassment with TOH when I was so ‘amused’ with hairy men. He had to explain to me that European men are normally hairy.

Thanks to this new found knowledge, I can’t help applying it to my observations.

So last week at my full day training, something or some curious analysing popped up.

At the training, there were eight male and two female participants as well as three other trainer/facilitator. After many hours of staring at the same people for the whole day, I do notice that the men have rather hairy arms. Okay, well, those that have their arms/hands exposed.

Then the question of why do some men wear long sleeves shirt and others wear short sleeves?

Ever since the emergence of this question, I can’t help throwing this question to guys that I speak to, let alone my colleagues! They must be thinking I’m some kind of freak or that I’ve so much time on my hand to conduct stupid surveys!

Anyways, I concluded that perhaps some men wear long sleeves because they know that they have very hairy arms and had they wear short sleeves it must be a big distraction! I did felt that it was some what of a distraction for me, since there was one guy who wore short sleeves. Of course, I’m bias by the way.

Some of the rather interesting answer I get on why men wear long sleeves are because that is what laid out for them every morning, how blessed!, and others include that it is too cold to wear short sleeves in Scotland.

So there you go!

I don’t deny that my quest to seek the relevance of long/short sleeve shirt wearing and the hairiness of a man’s arm will continue… until… possibly, one fine day.

That is, if anyone knows what does ‘one fine day’ actually defines as!

Friday, 14 September 2007


Forecast (v.)
Forecasten, to plan beforehand: fore-, fore- + casten, to throw, calculate, prepare.

Ever since the beginning of the week, I had to prepare my monthly forecasts.

Didn’t help when you don’t really know exactly what to do.

Didn’t help when you were supposed to go for a site meeting that was going to take up one morning, only to have it postponed without you knowing.

Didn’t help when you got news on Monday that you have to go for a full-day training, out of office.

Didn’t help when the dateline was too soon (or I think unreasonable, perhaps).

Didn’t help that when you finally go for a site meeting, the forecasts were due that time/day.

What was my response?

‘Do I look like I care?.... Noooo.

Great attitude in a new job eh?

Fortunately, I got it completed today. At least to the best that I know of. With whatever information and logic I can put in.

After all, forecasts are predictions.

Is there a right answer? Is there a wrong answer?

What should I do then?

Was rather frustrated as I had to swim in the deep end with strong currents.

But I swam through.

I don’t deny I actually love the adrenaline of rushing to complete it.

Am I looking forward to next month’s forecasts?


Yes. *shyly*

I need to prepare some ground work first.

But before that, I shall enjoy my weekend.

I’ve got another 28 minutes to go.


Monday, 10 September 2007

at my side

It’s been a long time since I listen to The Corrs. So it was great when on my way back to Glasgow, I heard one of my favourite song on my iPod.

It’s also a wee dedication to the two special guys in my life TOH and my bff TS. Thanks so much for being there for me! The song describes you both so well!

At Your Side by The Corrs

When the daylight's gone and you're on your own
And you need a friend just to be around
I will comfort you, I will take your hand
And I'll pull you through, I will understand

And you know that

I'll be at your side, there's no need to worry
Together we'll survive through the haste and hurry
I'll be at your side
If you feel like you're alone, and you've nowhere to turn
I'll be at your side

If life's standing still and your soul's confused
And you cannot find what road to choose
If you make mistakes (make mistakes)
You can't let me down (let me down)
I will still believe (still believe)
I will turn around
If you feel like you're alone, you've got somewhere to go,
'Cos I'm right there

I'll be right there for you
I'm right at your side

Saturday, 8 September 2007

chitty chat

It's great to be back home for the weekend.

It is a time for me to be able to be in my space, feeling comfortable and peaceful. It is also the best part of the week when I get to see TOH.

It is funny how time flies whenever we are together.

This weekend, we discussed what are the things that we want to do.

Woke up this morning, I had a visitor coming to value the flat. Then after that, the time just flew. In a blink of an eye, time just went past. We really wondered how.

The only explanation is that we had chatted the morning away. It is really amazing how we can just go on chatting and chatting for hours end. Wow!

I'm really amazed. Impressed even! And it is a really great feeling. You never know how much you can really chat until you do it. Still am amazed! It's good though and I love every bit of the conversations we have.

Since its Doors Open Day today, we managed to visit a few venues, after all the delays. Thank heavens TOH bought the papers yesterday, otherwise we would have just missed it.

Doors Open Day is the only day of the year where most places of interest or preserved heritage have an open day for visitors.

I have always wanted to visit the much acclaimed Tivoli Theatre. However, we were both very disappointed with the visit. There wasn't much information about guided tour although websites said that there will be. We both agree that the theatre needs a lot of work done to it. It won't be an easy task but nonetheless it will be good to preserve a place of much historical value.

We also managed to visit the Auld Hoose of the Robert Gordon College. Again, guided tour was not advertised but we were rather impressed looking at the quardrangle from a different view. Also something to be noted is the security automatic doors to the reception. Private school in all obvious forms!

Again, in a blink of an eye. The weekend will soon be over. We'll always have the next weekend to look forward to.

Just a quick note to inform that I have uploaded some photos to the posts in the past month.

here for posts with photos. Hope you like! xx

Thursday, 6 September 2007


Growing up we never really understand why our parents left us at home with our grandma (besides we get super long, unrestricted playtime). They will go out to work in the morning and only be back either in the afternoon or evening, depending whether it’s my dad or mom.

At an early age we were left to fend for ourselves (sort of) more like plan our daily activities ourselves. Of course being the young and playful ones that we are, to us, at that time, it was loads of freedom and long playtime.

Not that our parents never provide for us, they have given us just like any parents would, the best for their children. It’s just that we were not restricted in doing anything we want, well to a certain extend. I can remember clearly the only thing we were not allowed while growing up is to be in a boy-girl relationship.

When we were younger and also when we were much older, my mom would cook us lunch before she goes to work. Then there was a period that we had a maid who would take care of us. Much later when we found out that there was a catering service at the end of the street, we were given the choice to buy our lunch.

Looking back, while growing up, our parents has given us a lot of opportunities to make our own choices in many things. They have given us also the opportunity to grow up and be independent.

Along the way, they thought us life skills such as cooking, washing, cleaning and I learnt how to iron from my dad. Yes, I’m proud of that! Cooking was a lot of trial and error. Thank God we didn’t burn down the kitchen (although there had been a few near misses).

Due to this, it was easy for us, at least me to live away from home. Many often ask if I ever feel homesick? My answer is no. Okay, I do miss the great choice of food in Malaysia, sometimes my family but not that I must be with them all the time. My mom loves that we are scattered around the world. Gives her an excuse to travel.

I do realise that the independence we grew up with made us not rely on others. There are good sides and bad sides to it. The bad sides are that we tend to feel that anytime we ask for anything, it seems as it is a burden to others, we feel bad for asking.

Then the whole expectation issue comes in. The higher your expectations, the bigger your disappointments. I hate whenever something doesn’t go as expected.

But we just have to plough on, ya?

In this age of ‘teamwork’, having growing up and stuck to that habit of independence, it can be quite hard. But we learn, after all, life is a life long learning journey.

Past few weeks, my struggles in making choices have been more than usual.

This week, my challenge was to think and decide what is going to happen to my temporary accommodation.

To me, it has not been easy. After much thinking, I think I have found the solution.

At the end of the day, and as many times I have repeated, as long as you have money and willing to spend, money will solve everything. Sadly but true.

I’m waiting for my replacement credit card to arrive, all I have to do is just call, arrange for the accommodation and part happily another £150 or so on my weekly accommodation.

It’s only money. Don’t you think?

Anyways, as the age old Chinese saying goes ‘when the boat reaches the shore, it will automatically become straight’ or ‘when the horse dies, you’ll just have to get down and walk’. My favourite brand summarised it in the simplest phrase ‘Just do it’.

I guess whatever that life throws at you there is always one way or another to solve it. It’s just a matter of how we are going to do it.

Wednesday, 5 September 2007


I can't believe I have a blogger block today!

I guess I must just be too tired.

Maybe I’m just trying to input too many things at a short period of time. Half the time I don't even understand what is being said to me. It is such an obvious case of ‘talk at me'! Goodness!!!

I won't be surprised that this will be a jumbled up post.

#1. Songs Genre
This morning on the bus, I browsed through my iPod's song genre list. I can't believe that every genre is filled up, even if it is just one song! Seems like iTunes or maybe the songs that I downloaded had been categorised into genres that you wouldn't think it would have be in.

By the way, wtf is porn groove??!!!

Need to find time to sort out my library of songs, organised it, create smart playlists, etc. There is just so much to do!!! If only I have my computer with me!

#2: Breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. So as research says. However, in order for me not to be late for work, I don't have breakfast until I get in. Another reason is that I can't buy lots of things and lug around every time I move. Or I can't fill up my drawers with food. This seems that is the way now.

Rephrased: I can't fill more/all of my drawers with MORE food.

But most of the time I end up not having breakfast. Which is not good. Then I crave for junk food the whole day because sarnies just don't fill me. The amount of food I eat probably have TOH regretted going out with me. (I know you don't baby... xx)

Why is it so difficult to decide what to eat for breakfast?

I always love breakfast as it is the easier meal of the day. Okay, it WAS easy because breakfast means typical fry up. But I can't have that everyday as it is not very healthy.

In Malaysia, like I have mentioned in my earlier post, it is so easy to get food for breakfast. A walk to the nasi lemak stall, or whatever stalls for that matter or a sit in in the coffee shop.

Yoghurt and cereals is not going to fill me!

I want kon lo mien, won ton mee, assam laksa, pan mee, or whatever that I can just step into the shop and order!


Right, this is a really lousy post but I think I better pack up and go.

Next question is: where do I want to go and what do I want to do?!

Arrrgggh… It’s so frustrating!

Okie, the sun is out, finally! I think I’ll just go and have a nap in Botanic Gardens again. Toodles…

Tuesday, 4 September 2007

wrap mountain, wrap sea

Work has been picking up. Which is good. Can’t really complain, really.

After all, I thrived being under pressure and juggling tasks. Someone once said that I ‘pau san pau hai’, literally ‘wrap mountain, wrap sea’. This actually means, wanting to take up everything and do everything. Well, at least that was what I understand of.

A quick browse at my calendar, I will be quite busy this month. That means more things to blog about! Anyways, it has been a long time since I used MS Outlook. It is such a cool tool because I can plan/fill out my appointments as they come in from my emails, add on if it is not from emails, accept/decline/maybe invitation for appointments/meetings and send out appointments for confirmation. How cool is that?!

Okay, I’m out dated with things like that. Still…

Today in my mail I received a wee task from Head Office. What they do is that every month the company will send out mails introducing new starts. So my task is to do a little write up in third person.

And I’ve come up with the following:

ennazus is a university graduate. She enjoys taking up challenges and tasks, doing more than what many thinks she can do. Sometimes she surprises herself too!

During her free time, ennazus likes to spend time in bed catching up on her sleep (as if there is such a thing!). These times include getting too comfy, napping in the sun and getting a sun burn. When she is not relaxing, she would be doing something klutzy or clumsy.

Her last escapade involves her slamming the car door on her right thumb. It still aches until this very day. The event has left her with a bruised and injured thumb, holding her pen and writing in a rather odd way.

Right I better get back to work, else I will be swimming in it…

Monday, 3 September 2007


It’s Monday, again.

Can’t believe how time flies. Noticed that my weekdays and weekends come and go really fast.

I think the only time that time doesn’t go fast enough is whenever I’m on the bus home and coming back. It doesn’t help when you have the occasional loud inconsiderate being on the phone in the bus or a terror whining all the way.

Weekends are my favourite. It’s the only time I get to see TOH as well. Besides the fact that it is everyone’s favourite because they don’t have to work. My weekends are so different now compared to before.

Before, I work long hours on Saturday, sometimes from 12 noon to 12 midnight. It is rather weird now I lie in late on Saturdays and laze around or hanging out with TOH.

Last weekend was great cos we didn’t waste too much time indoors, sort of. It was a really beautiful day too! Had to go and pick up my digicam from the courier office. It’s fixed! Well, I wasn’t too happy cos I wanted a cheque for a new camera. Nonetheless at least I have a working digicam now. Count my blessings…

After that, we went back into town for brunch at Frankenstein.

We had the Full Scottish Breakfast, which we both think was absolutely value for money!!! I kept saying it as English breakfast, really wanting a slap I think.

The Full Scottish Breakfast comes on a hot plate and includes bacon, 2 portions of eggs: fried, poach or scrambled, mushrooms, black pudding, potato scone, sausage, half a tomato and even haggis! The whole plate was full. We also have a choice of coffee or tea, free glass of orange juice and a free drink: juice (i.e. soft drinks), Foster or Guinness.

I had fried eggs and pint of Guinness and TOH had scrambled eggs with a pint of Foster. Both of us went for tea.

You can imagine how full our table was, what with two pots of tea and it was just the two of us! And all for only £6.25 each! So stuffed!

Nonetheless, the meal was good. Will have that again sometime soon but not every weekend (let’s hope).

Weekends are our unhealthy indulgence. Not only we have prepared meals (i.e. eating out or take aways), we also have drinkies.

Arriving on Friday, I would grab a take away on my way home. Saturday is one big meal for the day and Sunday is a meal before heading down the road. Once everything is more settled, I have to start cooking and eating healthy food. Can’t go on like this.

During the week, I don’t have the healthiest eating plan either. I need a flat to settle down!

Anyways, we were supposed to go golfing or at the least to the driving range. But alas! Distractions are always abundance when I’m hardly around and there is just so much to do!

Task for the week or at least to be carried out: golf shoes and clubs hunting.

Met up with POCO, which I think I will re-christen him to SR, it’s shorter and nicer I think. Had a couple of drinks. Catch up on whatever we had been doing. It was good; at least it is a start to meet up friends one by one. I just hope I better not get his chicken pox! Yes, I know you are not contagious or in your words ‘contaminated’ anymore.

No packing done as usual.

I finally got my desk today! Yaaay!!! Okay, so they are sorting out a phone for me. But at least things are slowly falling into place. Also, it’s great to have a nice quiet mouse and key board for a change. The last mouse I was using was so noisy whenever I use the scroll button. Really felt the difference when I was using my computer back home over the weekend.

However, one of the cupboards is missing from just beside my desk and I can see everyone passing by. Quite a bit of distracting. Okay, so I can’t surf the internet as much as I want to. Plus my desk is rather near to higher level management so it is not so nice to be surfing all the time…

But at least I’ve got a table now. My desk hopping days are over. Hope AD gets a desk soon.

Anyways, roll on Friday! Right, I need to sort out my tickets up the road as well.