Monday, 31 December 2007

the year that was

Interestingly year end is always the time when we look back and reflect on all that we have experienced in the year.


I fell in love. And then out of love. And then blissfully in love again. Even though it has only been four months but it seems as though we had been together for four years, in a good way. As TOH always say that he was glad he took the risk, and I, I was glad I gave him and us another chance. Some things you can never explain and as they say, God's timing is always perfect.

I am thankful for the people that have come into my life through the year. TOH, TS and even SR. Each one of them touched my life differently.

Looking back it is interesting how TS and I became best of friends. A great guy who is a good listener, tells it as it is, no matter how hurtful it is; put up with my sillyness; saw me went through buckets of tears, which I'm sure much of it was unnecessary; but still see me as who I am.

I've also had the privilege of doing some travelling.

This year I've played host to a few Rotaractors from Edinburgh, my cousin Lynn and her best friend, and Aunt I's friend. I've been to Edinburgh four times, travelled to Dundee a few times, had two road trips around Scotland, of which one with TS around the Highlands and Speyside; the other with Peng Ha to Deeside and the coastal trail to St. Andrews; and a wee trip to London as well. Within that time, I've also travelled to Glasgow twice before finally accepting a job there and started my weekly weekend travelling up north and then now, every alternate weekend travelling.

My most memorable travelling experience this year, was my solo trip to Shetland, which I still haven't blog yet. >_<

Besides deciding to be in a relationship with TOH, making the decision to accept the job in Glasgow and move there was among one of the best decisions I have made this year.

As much as it seems like a troublesome chore for the relationship, I actually see it as a blessing. How? You say? Having been in one relationship after another, doesn't really give you much space to grow and in my case, I've became too dependent on the other person. The sad reality was that I was 'devolving', I was disappearing.

My friend IH said to me one day that 'the Ennazus she once knew and the one she is speaking to is a totally different person'. She used to look up at me and feel that I know what I want in life but at that point when she spoke to me, I was a lost cause.

Anyways, the space give me a chance to find myself and be independent again. Ever since being in the relationship, TOH has been a great source of support and encouragement.

Before making my firm decision to accept the job in Glasgow, there was quite a bit of struggle and yes, buckets of tears as well. I'm thankful for TS's encouragement for me to take up the opportunity and give myself the challange to change.

It wasn't easy in the first place but many were impressed that I coped so well. And I must say that everything has turned out well. Besides that not-so-nice welcome to Glasgow incident.

I remembered saying to myself that I hope I've made the right decision. Especially I had to turn down two jobs for this position in Glasgow, and one of them was the job I've always wanted. Initially, when I went for the interview in Glasgow, the position was located in Dundee but that didn't work out and there was another position in Glasgow.

And I'm pleased to say that I've made the right decision. Everything has been great. I'm working with a good company. The people within the Client office is nice and we all get along so well. I'm doing my APC with lots of support and encouragement from my boss and company - in Scotland and down south.

2007 was also a year of Hellos and Goodbyes. I've met quite a few people on a working as well as social level. Amongst some of the mentionables are AD, DaddyO, American Chris and Vitali. Vitali was very kind to organise a dinner for us and it was nice to see him again last month. AC's leaving party and farewell was very eventful. DaddyO who works in the same company and client office will be working with a new client come new year. He has been a father figure in Glasgow, always concern about my well being there.

There were quite a few firsts this year as well. First solo trip, going to the horse races, visiting a few places for the first time, trying some receipes, and riding in a Jaguar Type X and Subaru Impreza.

I'm pleased that I managed to catch a few movies and read a few books too!

I do realised that I hardly mentioned anything unpleasant in this post. Maybe it is just how I am, that I often take anything unpleasant and see it in another light and thus it become something good that I learnt from.

There are so many things to be thankful for in the past year. And it will be a super long post to put everything in the year in this post, which is already rather long... One thing for sure I'm thankful is that I'm able to live another day to experience another day.

Each of us will usher in the new year in various ways, TOH and I will be at Castlegate waiting for the Bells. Hopefully the rain will have stop and we get a good place to catch Travis. Free concerts are always good. ^_^

Whichever way you plan to usher in the new year, I hope 2007 has been kind to you and the new year will be a better year for you, full of blessings, good health and abundance happiness!!! xoxox

Friday, 28 December 2007


Over the past few days we have bought quite a collection of games to see us through the holidays and er... possible beyond.

Two days before Christmas we went to Woolworths and bought four games, of which Chad Valley games were on 'three for the price of two' offer.

I wanted Uno Spin, so we got that. We also got 'Battleship Command', which is 'Battleship'; 'Papa's Pizza Popper' or something like that; and something like connect four, but it is not named as connect four because the three for two games were from Chad Valley and not Milton Bradley or better known as MB games.

Anyways, we HAD to play Battleship. It goes without saying that I beat TOH on Battleship... woohoo.. Okie, he won't be too happy reading me saying this about him. heheh...

We then try this Papa Pizza Popper, but we think it was knackered. I went 'it's broken'. You are supposed to turn the dial and then press the pizza base down, press 'start' and then place all the pizza toppings on the pizza before it pops. I know it is a very kiddy game but it was our last choice for the three for two. What consumers we are!

After numerous attempts, we deceided that the pizza has to go back.

We then played Uno Spin, which I think now is our somewhat favourite game. It has the same basic Uno concept but with a Spin element to it. Quite interesting. After not playing Uno for a while, it wasn't really that difficult to play it and it makes the time pass really nicely too!

Since Boxing Day, it was all shopping, shopping and shopping.

Yesterday, on our way to the M&S sale we stopped by at Oxfam to have a wee look at the things they have there. And guess what we found?!

A set of Boggle (1996) and wait for this... Screwball Scramble!

I must have it!!!! It's the original one! Or at least the same one my cousins had!

I remembered my cousin GS and LS had this game when we were really young. It is like the coolest game ever! I have many flashbacks of this game since I like it so much. But to find it in Oxfam, I was just elated!

TOH was really nice to bought both games for us. Since it was from the charity shop it cost us less than £2 for each of the game. The new Screwball Scramble costs £9.99 and we get it waaaay less than that and doing good at the same time.

When we finally got home in the evening, no prize for guessing which game came out first!

Trust Tomy to come out with great games. It took a bit of effort to get the hang of the game. It is really amazing how a simple game can keep us entertained for hours!

TOH had to tell me that I can't bring that to bed. Of course that didn't got down smoothly.

Tonight, SR let us have a hand on his xBox and we are playing Halo3. Not easy but trust me to add on the additional sound effects to the game.

Looking back, it is funny how now that we can afford to spend, we buy games and toys that we can't have when we were growing up. It is also interesting that no matter how much our parents keep telling us how to take care of our toys we hardly or never really seemed to, unless you are this really really good child.

Watching this programme about James May: My Sister's Top Toys, it was nice to reminicise the toys we once had. And that book that I bought on 80s Toys will give me this so called chance of not growing up.

Way to go girl!!!

On a different issue, I'm so happy for U&D on the arrival of their first born baby girl bundle of joy.

Cough update: Last night wasn't a very good night. Woke up around two something and then four something to fits of cough. TOH is not very pleased with me because I refuse to take his Boots Bronchial Cough Syrup. It is vile I tell ya! Honestly!!!! But the sweetheart that he is, we went to buy me a slightly more bearable cough syrup this morning. I'm actually starting to feel better last night but donno why I had those fits of cough... Not good at all.

Wednesday, 26 December 2007

'twas was Christmas

It's the day after Christmas.

I had a fantastic Christmas yesterday. TOH and I went up to TOH's dad's for Christmas after opening our pressies in the morning. I loved all of my presents and I'm glad that TOH loved his as well.

It was a very nice and relaxed day. We had chicken and all the trimmings, and then later fruit triffle for desert. The company was great.

Watched Shrek 2 on telly. It had this fairytale-enchanted-lovey-dovey-Shrekeques feeling. I think it was nice. But, as with all sequel, the first is always the best.

I think I must have almost coughed out my lungs. My diapharm muscles are aching from all the overtime coughing.

I believe I've tried almost everything I can get my hands on.

I've almost finish a 15ml/30ml bottle of Pei Pa Koa.

Sucked on tons of Halls sweets.

Had honey lime drink.

Even had a gulp of Boot's Bronchial Cough Syrup that TOH gave me. One word for it: vile. It.Was.VILE!!!!!! One gulp of it, within seconds it came out. I've tasted bad tasting things but this was way over whatever I've tried before.

However, I'm now on a CocaCola diet. I've heard of it, and I've tried it now and then, that you gently boil some Coke and a bashed piece of ginger until warm and the gas in the Coke are gone, you drink it down, it will cure your cough.

And as bizzare as it sounds, it is working. And I'm swearing by it. For now.

So I've got my excuse on drinking tons of Coke. However, just plain Coke. Don't have the time and bothering with the hassle of boiling it with ginger.

Also, I think the chill is not helping so I'm keeping myself as cosy as possible.

Going to bed at night is a nightmare. With me coughing incessantly, no one gets a peaceful night of sleep. I've even come up with my own nebuliser. Yes, it is an exaggeration but breathing cold air seems to trigger the chain of painful coughs.

If anyone is concern. The Coke has been a great help and I'm surprise at how well I'm recovering in a short time as well.

Walking in the malls today, I can't help wondering all that anticipation to Christmas, after all that mad dash, after all that scratching your head on what to get people, and after all that, it was just another day. It is just another day, even the day after.

It is not a bad thing. I always loved Christmas. There is something utterly magical about it. And I loved it more this year that I can spend it with TOH.

Of course we can't deny the true reason for the season. Going to Gerrard Street BC'c watchnight service on Christmas Eve is one thing that I try to do every year. Although it is late in the evening but it is always good. The candlelight, the message, the atmosphere, the everything.

As much as commercialism irkes any one of us, it is commercialism that helps the economy, not forgetting debts, but let's not go there, shall we?

It is amazing how the Sales starts earlier and earlier each year. I noticed some of the shops has started their Sales even before Christmas! It is the season of never ending shopping.

Shopping before Christmas. Shopping during Christmas. And Shopping after Christmas.

Yes, some online Sales starts midnight on Christmas. Great stuff ya?!

Just came back watching 'Enchanted'. TOH and I both mistakened it for 'Stardust'.

We thought 'Enchanted' was Stardust. Anyways, ten minutes into the movie, it was animation. We both were looking at each other! I was like 'sorry, I didn't know it was animation!'. But then all was revealed. And it was ahh.. 'Enchanted' I know which movie...

It was a good movie. I think Disney did it very well. How real life acting was almost the same as animation. Kudos to Disney! I can't help feeling a longing to go to any of the Disney theme parks during the singing/dancing scene in Central Park.

Oh well.. I gtg and continue coughing now..

Monday, 24 December 2007

too much too fast

Thursday night's Office Christmas Party was excellent!

We had so much fun.

The food was good, the atmosphere was great,
everyone had a good time.

I can't help feeling very thankful having the opportunity working with this group of people.

I must admit though, that that I had too much to drank and drank them too fast I had.

I had been feeling the effects of that for the past few days.

Wasn't feeling too well for Friday's Company Lunch.

Fragile would sum it all up.

Had a good sleep on the train up north.

The weekend passed by with sore throat and then a developing cough.

To sum it all, yes, I am ill just now (or NOW, for those who are unsure what I am talking about).

But I'm still happy. At least there was no rushing to the train station on Sunday after a wonderful weekend. We have two whole weeks to be together. How nice!

MERRY CHRISTMAS to all. Hope you have a blessed and fabulous time!

With lots love... xoxox

Thursday, 20 December 2007


I almost crashed the computer!


Thank God, it was an ‘almost’. Not that I even am doing any work. Maybe it’s having too many internet browsers, and big Excel files opened.

I’m wondering at this moment what time should I have already left to get their hair done, go home, and whatsoever other reasons for going off early.

I’ve just been sitting here the whole day up until now doing up a travel calendar for TOH and me, for our weekends forward planning.

Price of train tickets is going up in the new year. The price jumped from £20 saver advance return to the cheapest available now at £47.10. That is a 100% jump!!! So much for hoping to get cheap tickets.

Had not much of choice, so I bought my January travel tickets - bus tickets. @_@


I think I’m feeling a little blue. Maybe I’m feeling a little left out.

Some female colleagues are excitingly planning to get together - get ready together at someone’s for tonight’s event. Not that I really want to get ready with them together but at least maybe to be roped into the conversation and share the excitement in the chitter chatters.

It’s funny in a way because I do try to mix and get to know people. It’s not often that you find a person that suits you perfectly, people who shares the same interests with you. People who get excited the same way as you.

Sometimes I feel so lonely.

Sometimes I wonder should I change just to fit in. But then I know I won’t be happy because it is not me.

Sometimes I believe that it’s okay to be different. Sometimes I wished I could fit in.

Funnily enough, sometimes I don’t really give a hoot whether I’m part of the ‘girls’ or not.

Women. We are so complicated. So much so that I couldn’t even understand myself.

Anyways on a happier note, I’m actually really looking forward to tonight.

I bought my dress from Jane Norman, found a way to zip up the dress by myself. I thought I was going to knock on my neighbour’s door to get them to zip it up for me or go to the party and get someone there to zip it up for me. Silly, I know.

However, I won’t deny that I will be handling my dress with care. I still think it is such a fragile dress. Honestly, I think this somewhat rather stressing experience buying from Jane Norman has really put me off buying their clothes again.

Did I mentioned that as lucky as I was that all of the six dresses on the rail are the same size that suits me, only one is good enough, well, the best among all. The rest either some thread has loosened, missing belt, kinked stitches, etc. So poor quality.

I also bought my very first pair of false eyelashes. I just hope I’m not going to take forever to put it on. Although it does say that it seems to be so damnblardie easy to put it on.

I bought some additional make up for my collection as well.

Can’t believe for someone who doesn’t really put much effort in making up, this is really exciting.

I’m the kind of jump-out-of-bed-into-the-shower-dash-off-to-work kind of girl. Don’t worry, I do wear clothes before I leave the door. I’ve also noticed that I will wear non iron shirts (cotton t-shirt variety), not my usual button down shirts, if I’m running late and haven’t done any ironing.

Goodness… too much information.

Anyways, I think I better get going. And I know it’s only 3pm!!! What a skiver!

p.s.: Just got invited to meet up with my team for a few drinks before the dinner! ^_^

Wednesday, 19 December 2007


Someone said at lunch today, ‘Productivity the week before Christmas just plummets’.

And I couldn’t agree more to that!

I haven’t done much ‘productive’ work this whole week. Not surprising that this makes filling up my diary quite difficult.

Not that I don’t have any work. Just plain lazy, I must admit.

There are so many things to do or finish at home as well.

I’ve finally finish wrapping the last of the presents. The ‘wrapping room’ which once was the dining room can now be tidy up to its original state-ish. –Ish, because there are other things to clear as well.

Having a dining table full of things is just bad habit. Very very bad habit from home. Must rid of it…

The living room has become a ‘cards room’. I should clear them away tonight and keep the spares around for any last minute cards. I hope I don’t have anymore cards to send as it will be rather late I think. I sent my last card out in the mail today.

So far, I would like to think I have been rather organised.

I’ve baked two types of cookies and packed them in jars for gift. Of course I have enough for munching and sharing too! My Christmas cake has matured and I have iced them last night. It was my first time icing a cake, now I’m just waiting for the icing to harden. I think it looked not too bad.

I’m aching all over from not been sleeping very well for the past few nights. Had a really nice bath last night and fell asleep in the tub. Thank God didn’t drown. Hahaha…

Tonight… tonight…

Tonight I have another list of things to do: eyebrows need some attention, washing the bathroom, clean up the kitchen, clear away the Christmas items, finish my most important card, put another load of laundry, try to do some ironing, lay out my stuff for tomorrow night’s dinner, and pack my clothes. Military precision. I hope.

Goodness… I’m feeling the effect from lack of sleep now…

Tuesday, 18 December 2007

the big move: part two

After all those packing, the next thing to do, is of course the move.

Initially I wanted to get a removal company to do the work but after asking around, it seems that removals are really expensive and it is better to just do it myself.

So I hired a van. A Citroën Berlingo to be exact.

TOH was really kind to take time off to help me move.

After we picked up the van and some breakfast, we started putting the heavy and big things in the van since I have the extra pair of hands to help.

As optimistic as I was initially, reality sank in - rock bottom, that one trip is not enough for all my shite.

The drive down to Glasgow was nice. Somehow I did note the usual chatty one of us was unusually quiet. I needed the chat. As I was getting tired and bored, and there wasn’t a CD player to blast to keep myself entertained for the drive.

Both of us have mixed feeling within us.

Me: moving to a place I knew hardly anyone, starting my career in a place with strange faces, living in an unfamiliar place, moving away from where I call home - Aberdeen, more importantly: moving away from this wonderful person I've just met.

As happy as TOH was for me, he can't help asking to himself (well, more so to me) why did I have to move? Why Glasgow of all places?

We had a good conversation without a doubt. Which, I am always thankful how good we are with each other speaking about everything.

Anyways, I wasn’t driving as fast as I should. At the start of the journey TOH added a disclaimer that anything broke whilst in transport was not his fault. The speed traps along the way weren’t much encouraging either, not that I was driving anywhere close to the limit. Yes, it’s unusual for me. But it’s a van full of things not a car, and there were a few boxes of glassware and all my alkie paraphernalia, the incriminating evidence: bottles after bottles of wine, white wine, my Sauvignon Blancs.

Almost three hours later, we arrived to our first stop, the letting agent’s office to sign the necessary paperwork and collect the keys.

It was somewhat exciting. Almost like keys to my very own purchased flat. But it wasn’t. Therefore only somewhat exciting.

Anyways, after signing various papers and initialling many pages later, we were off to the flat.

TOH liked the flat and I didn’t realised it was so big. I really am treating myself. We then christen the flat ‘The Mansion’.

Unloading was very fast. We had a short rest before heading up the road whilst there was still daylight.

The next day, I made the same trip down with the final load of my things.

I was glad that it took only two days. Thankfully (or unfortunately, depending on how or who sees it), all of my things except for the bicycle and some of my Rotaract things are left with TOH. (And it is still there for me to sort it…)


I’ve been waiting patiently for the day to come. I know we both have.

Week after week, we tell each other, Friday will come before we know it. Friday come and weekend gone, we say the same thing. It’s been a few weeks now and Friday is not far away now.

Finally, in just another few days, we’ll have two whole weeks of being with each other.

It should be good. It will be good. I just have to remember to pack extra warm clothes, since somebody’s flat is freezing cold. >__<

I’m looking forward to the cuddles in front of the fire, admiring the Christmas tree, watching tv, our never-ending chats, walking around the neighbourhood admiring other people’s Christmas decoration, essentially, just spending time together.

Ideally, it would be nice to have a wood fire burning, us cuddling together with a nice throw wrapped around us, and a spectacular view out of the deck to something beautiful and snowy.

How nice… Still Friday is not long now.

You know I always feel that way babes. xx

Monday, 17 December 2007'

Just got back from my wee outing today. So stuffed.

Didn't really do much.

Came in to work at my usual 8:45am. Switched on the computer. Made meself a nice cup of coffee.

Checked mails.

Did a simple spreadsheet calculation of my Council Tax. Over the weekend Glasgow City Council sent me a revised Council Tax bill. My balance outstanding was higher than the other bill they sent me earlier. And my discount was lower. So had to prepare myself for battle.

Was a wee bit annoyed because they made me wait so long for an assistant to pick up the phone. In the end, it seems that there is an error. Honestly, I really wonder...

Then went out to site for progress site meeting. Then lunch with the contractor. By the time lunch was over, it was already 3:30pm! Lunch was really good. We had two course and so stuffed!!! I had the deep fried brie for starters (which btw, was really YUMMY!!!) and sirloin beef. The portions were huuuuuuge!!!

It was freezing today! The car's thermometer shows that it was -1c out there. I really wonder. There's even ice formed around the stones in the river.

Came back to the office had a wee chat with my Commercial Manager, a little time online and then it is time to go home.

Am just so stuffed. Don't think I will eat anything at home.

Work, I say? What work?!

At this rate I'm going, I really need a good overhaul or detox of the system. And it is only the first day...

Friday, 14 December 2007

shopaholic and baby

This is what kept me up every night for the past two weeks until last week.

The late-nights. The at-least-two-chapters-every-night. The I-will-go-to-bed-after-this-chapter/page.

Becky Brandon (neé Bloomwood) is back as her usual self. Ever since following her first book from a single girl, then her adventures abroad, then married, and then finding out she has a long lost sister, it was only inevitable that there will be a book about having a baby.

And if you have read the Shopaholic series, you will get the usual fast paced, gripping style of Sophie Kinsella. I enjoyed the book.

Apparently there will be a new Sophie Kinsella book out next year, ‘Remember Me’. The synopsis sounds interesting. Okay, it’s the usual chick lit.

Still, I like reading Sophie Kinsella’s books. Bite me!

I won’t be surprised that there will be a ‘Shopaholic and Toddler’ out sometime in the near future…


You know it is Christmas when your pre-Christmas week diary shows all you do is eat!

Monday - Progress site meeting then lunch
Tuesday - Office Girlie Lunch (need to socialise a bit and bond with the girls)
Wednesday - A colleague’s leaving lunch
Thursday - Office’s Christmas Dinner
Friday - Company’s Christmas Lunch

Wowweee… All I do next week is eat I tell ya!

Thursday, 13 December 2007


*A derogatory term in Malay for a person who doesn't know something common.

Cannae believe you can find Jakun on
Wikipedia. O_o

Anyways, I had this Health and Safety Climate Survey today.

The South West is the pioneer in trying out this survey.

It is quite cool actually. Each session were done with a group of 20 or so people. You sign in because they want to know how many people have taken the compulsory survey.

Then you pick up a small calculator like thingy, a response card actually. Like this:

There were about forty questions. We were required to log in our answer pressing the number according to the number shown on screen. It was like something out of 'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire'. Of course, I can’t help making silly jokes.

The group’s result will show after all the votes are cast in after everyone click in their answer, after each question. A nice and simple colourful chart will be generated.

I was very impressed. In fact, I think everyone was very impressed. And yes, I get excited over little things like this easily.

Anyways, at first I thought these response cards were like a wee souvenir you get after a presentation. Silly me!


Royal Mail has this really cool service. You can print and buy postage online.

It is perfect for someone like me because I hardly am able to go to the post office during the week.

I don’t have much or any problems if I want to send normal mail within the UK. It is just a matter via first class or second class, and I normally have a few of those stamps handy.

And then I just pop it in the ‘outgoing mail’ tray in reception and it gets magically send away.

However, this time it was different. Sort of.

I was trying to get my Christmas cards sent. Does seem a little late, didn’t realised how close Christmas is!

Anyways, I wanted to print four postage on a page and then I realised that my cards don’t meet the minimum dimensions of 105mm by 148mm. What I had was either smaller than the dimensions or one side is smaller than the minimum size.

So I thought, I better call Royal Mail to make sure because I don’t know what are the implications if I don’t meet the minimum size. Checked out the website, and then found some numbers. Yes, there was a list of them.

I try to call the number closes to my needs, but I ended up calling almost every one of them. Most of them make me wait. But the most annoying thing that started my blood bubbling was there were so many options to choose from. But none of them are exactly what I wanted.

I don’t really mind those push button service. As much as I rather not go push button all the way, but that seems to be the norm nowadays. I can take perhaps two and maybe three levels of button option.

But it was different with Royal Mail’s phone service.

First you are greeted the usual, ‘welcome to bladibla… and thank you for calling us. Our calls maybe recorded for training and quality purposes.’ Then, something like this came next ‘do you know you can go online and…’ Yes, I do know but because I cannae find an answer to my question online, that is why I call you… Fine!

After that, there were five options to choose from. And then after pressing a button, you have another five or so options to choose from. Okay… And then another few more. I think there were close to five levels to choose from.

Then we you were told that ‘all our customer service assistants/assistants/or whoever are busy at the moment. If you like, you can go online…’ Great…

So wait wait wait…

Then it the following message will normally precede ‘thank you for waiting. Our customer services/assistants/whoever are still busy at the moment. Do you know that you can go online….’

Yes, I do know. And if the website can answer my question... *£%@$... Blood defo starting boil.

Wait some more, listening to the classical music that was on. It was a rather long wait. I know classical music is supposed to soothe me. But with every minute ticking, my patience ticked away further and my blood continued to boil.

Finally, after some transferring around and more options and more waiting later, I managed to get through to one guy. He was very nice and friendly. I had to be patient and kind because no point pouring my temper when it is not his fault.

In the end, he advised me to go the post office. I was like ‘I buy postage online because I can’t go there’. Nevermind. Still we managed to come up something and I can try sending with two first class stamps or a postcard stamp plus second class stamp combination for me to send card overseas.

Met up with TS and he was so sweet and brought me to the post office, which was luckily still open after 5:30pm! I still don’t really know very well where I am going around in Glasgow. I was so happy. I managed to send my cards sent away.

I wanted to put in a complaint to Royal Mail but as usual procrastination got the better part of me.

The next day, I went online to print postage for a parcel. It was interesting that I can get the Postal Declarations Form printed online as well. How cool is that?!

I’ve used the online postage service numerous times and I think it is a great service. Only you need to know the weight of the item you want to send out. Having a small scales will help but I’m lucky, I just go to the franking machine at reception and ask them to weigh for me.

If post office like the one in Melawati closes as 10pm at night, it will be excellent for people who are working or don’t work near a post office. As much as it would be nice that post office open until late at night, I’m sure it is not necessary the most economical.

Still, thank God for technology!

Wednesday, 12 December 2007


It's the wonderful time of the month again: The Monthly Reporting Cycle. woooohhhooo!? Yeah right!

This time round, the reporting period is shorter due to the upcoming holidays.

I was naughty and rebel against coming in to work last weekend. Actually, I just said no, I wasn't coming in. TOH was in town and we have planned to go shopping together.

Anyways, I did not too badly. Stayed until 7pm on Friday and then 7pm on Monday. Yesterday I just went shopping to finish my Christmas shopping and what other knicknacks or rubbish that I need to buy. Yeah, NEED. Yeah...

The Big Guy like my wee report I prepared for the review this morning. I have actually done them since two months ago, guess he didn't realised it. Anyways, am very pleased of myself too.

More reviews after this and that would be me for today.

TS is in toon. We are going to paint the town red. Yeah. Well, more like we going to do what we used to do, which is drink, eat and be merry. Well, that didn't sound too right.

Anyways, we are just going to hang out and chill out.

Just what I need...

Monday, 10 December 2007


I’m going to The Hallion for my company’s Christmas Lunch.

The all important email was circulated months ago, end of August to be exact, prompting employees to book and confirm a place there.

The prospect of going to a ‘Private Member’s Club’ was really enticing.

Anyways, after months sitting on it, I decided to check out the Hallion’s website.

Overall, the website exudes: extravagance, luxury, class, privacy, poshness, and everything along that line.

The good thing is that they (or at least the website) don’t seem stiff when placed in the same line with luxury and posh.

I actually like the website a lot!

I had a nosy in the ‘Rules and Etiquette’ section and had a fun time reading it.

Some excerpts:

Members are encouraged to treat The Hallion as their second home (or 3rd if they are lucky enough to have two already) therefore, respect for the property goes without saying. This "home from home" policy should not extend to moving things like ashtrays from your new second home to your first. Theft will not be tolerated, kleptomania is a disease - take something for it.

Members should use vibrators in The Club. If you need to make, or take, a telephone call please demonstrate the mobility of your phone by taking it to a quiet corner.

Members should note that fees can be charged annually or by monthly standing order. If necessary, don't pay your bookie, the alimony, the Inland Revenue or the housekeeping but, please always pay The Hallion Club subscription on time - you'll always have somewhere to hide when others come looking for you.

Not too sure about the 'vibrators' though.. hehehe...

Go to the website to fully enjoy and appreciate the work that The Hallion has got their PR team put in. I’m very impressed.

And as much as a snob that I am, reading the website does give me some sense of ‘belonging’. Yes, I know what load of story… Who knows, one day, just one mighty fine day, I might, just might join the club. It’s £150 joining fee and £350 annually.

Do I need it? Hmmm…. Do I really need it? Well…

Anyways, I can’t wait to have our Christmas Lunch there. Now, I think I need a different approach to what I was going to wear to the lunch, i.e.: shopping for new clothes!

Friday, 7 December 2007


Last night’s shopping wasn’t as great as I thought it would have been. But, I found out why they say Glasgow is a shopping haven.

It has been reported/claimed that Glasgow is the next best place to shop after London. I’ve never really thought about that. I mean, I didn’t like Glasgow from my first visit years ago, so it didn’t really bother me if Glasgow IS a shopping haven. Or that I hardly do much shopping myself, for that matter.

But last night it was a case of ‘big’.
Debenhams - big
House of Fraser - big
Zara - big
Borders - big (which, we already know by now)
Urban Outfitters - big
John Lewis - big

You get the idea, don’t you?

Oh yeah, they even have a Hamleys here. Just in case you don’t know, Hamleys is one of the world biggest toy store. But the Hamleys in Glasgow is inside of House of Fraser. Nothing compared to the one on Regent Street, London.

There were so many people in town shopping. Today’s paper reported that high street retail has picked up. With the economy slowdown, everyone is waiting for last minute shopping. Even John Lewis had started some reduction until end of this week!!!

Oh well…

As much as I would like to shop online, which ideally I would do if I know what I want, I would have. But there is no one home. And not sure if the postie/courier service is going to leave my parcel at the door or worst send it back to the depot, which leaves me with more trouble than necessary. I may just go online to shop for whatever I really want and can’t find it in the stores and have it delivered to the office, thick face-ly. Maybe just write my address very business likey.

Thursday, 6 December 2007


I just purchased (if that is the right word to use) my first home insurance. In fact, it was just the contents insurance that I bought.

Under my tenancy agreement, I’m supposed to have the property insured. I was intending to get one after the flooding incident with my previous flat, anyways. You really never know when or what will happen. Like that Malay proverb malang tidak berbau literally translated as accident/bad things does not smell (LOL!).

After much procrastination, and after getting various quotes, I have finally bought it today.

I feel so grown up!

The process of getting quotes and the thought of getting insured, contents insured is such a grown up process. I just don’t want to grow up!!! Toy ‘R Us jingle comes to mind.

I’m still feeling rather ‘shaky’. Not sure if I bought enough or too much. Not sure if I gave the right information, at least I know I gave to whatever I know of.

There were just so many questions. How much to insure? How much for personal items? High risk items? Accidental damages? Do you want legal coverage? It includes building cover. How old is your property? Is it listed? The types of lock you have. So on and so forth.

Still, I feel good that I have paid it off, altogether. The temptation of putting it on my credit card and collect point which will be converted into spending vouchers is great. But I didn’t put it through the credit card. I’m so proud that I’ve practiced some form of restrained.

And I didn't want to pay interest for any instalment either.

Am feeling rather relieved myself. The other night after putting on the Christmas lights, which looks absolutely stunning by the way, only half of the lights were flashing and the other half stationary.

So I ignored it.

Then the next night, the lights all flickered. So I thought maybe it was a one off thing.

I was then away for the weekend.

When I came back it has half working again. Great.

Then the other night, only half of the tree was lit.

So I thought, it’s about time I go and have a look. Saw that one of the bulbs has burnt. Fine.

Changed the bulb but noticed that the socket was cracked. Then I checked the rest, some of them were cracked. Wonderful.

So took down all the lights. Just to be on the safe side. Thank God I tell ya! Imagine...

Better go now. Got to catch the train for late night shopping!!!

Wednesday, 5 December 2007


I know many people don’t say this but…


This morning I woke up rather early. Just like any normal day. Almost.


I was too lazy to get off the bed.

Another minute. Became another five minutes. Then another five minutes.

Doesn’t help when you go to bed late. And then started reading ‘Shopaholic and Baby’ and walloped four chapters in a go. Great.

So I got up this morning. Had my shower. Look at the time. And ‘naaah.. I’m not going to run for the train’. So I did my dishes and took the later train. Which, I almost missed. Sigh…

Anyways, so I came in later to work.

Today has been somewhat productive.

Actually spend almost the whole day investigating a project’s target cost. Which spawned from an additional works claim from the contractor.

Sat with my project manager and later the estimator to get to the bottom of it.

I find it very enjoyable learning and trying to solve every bit of ‘mystery’. Everything is a mystery for me. Until I know for certain what it is.

Two weeks ago, when I understand the meaning and reason of some abbreviation, I got so happy, overexcited, and just so pleased. Smiling from ear to ear. I know it does sound very shallow. But whahey...

Solving all these mysteries is just so satisfying.

Anyways, was busy blog reading and then realised I missed the time for the train so am staying back and see what I can do, maybe work(?) or more blog reading(?) until it is time for me to go.

I am so lucky. So so lucky.

Can’t wait for tomorrow.

Tuesday, 4 December 2007

fifteen modern tales of attraction

I just finished Alison MacLeod’s Fifteen Modern Tales of Attraction.

I first picked up the book with Jonathan Tropper’s How to Talk to a Widower. I think what draws me to the book was the title. Being a sap for such love stories I thought ‘why not give it a go?’ After all it is just fifteen short stories.

Bear in mind, just because I am a sap doesn’t mean I normally fill myself with tons and tons of love stories or romance novels. I can hardly remember reading materials such as that, chick lit doesn’t count.

Anyways, I think it must be lethargy and plus the fact that I don’t make as much time spend reading Fifteen Tales compared to Widower.

I blame it on tiredness and because of this I feel that the stories can be a drag. I find that I spend a lot of time reading one paragraph over and over again.

In all fairness, some of the times are due to not catching what was written but many times, the writing is so good that I want to read it again and again.

Each story is different. When I first read the first story I was very impressed. It was somewhat abstract. Somewhat, because it is different from your typical narrative writing. I supposed this is what they call modern writing.

It is almost like watching one of those good film, that have a twisted storyline, the kind that turned out not what you thought it would’ve turned out.

With the lethargy and tiredness I struggled immensely trying to finish the book. In the end, it took me about two months to attempt to finish this book. Sadly, I think I skipped one or two stories.

But the last few stories that I read, that I had to make time to read it, I find it thoroughly enjoying.

My favourite stories are ‘So that the Land was Darken’, ‘Pilot’, ‘Notes for a Chaotic Century’ and ‘Radiant Heat’.

Overall, I think the writing is different from what I usually read. It is not a book I would rush out and buy or read again. I will read it again, maybe in future when I have nothing better to do.

The reviews for the book had been very good though. Maybe it’s just me that I’m not there yet or in the mood to read such books, yet. Maybe a few more practice reads.

After numerous renewing of the book, I thought the book was due on 2nd December. The question of whether the library is open on a Sunday did occur to me. I said to TOH that I will have to call the library to renew the book but I didn’t do it.

Finally, after rushing about trying to finish the book, I went into Anniesland Library, finished reading it there and then only to find out that the book was only due on 12th December.

I went in to the library to return one book and came out with six other books. It should be enough to see me through the holidays.

Monday, 3 December 2007


Last weekend had been a rather eventful one.

Met up with Yen and had Chinese for lunch with TOH. It was good catching up and just enjoying each other’s company.

After lunch, TOH and I went shopping and bought a few things, nothing much exciting there.

We managed to put up the Christmas tree - halfway. We still have some baubles to add on and a not-so-gay-looking-tree-topper-to-hunt-down. Besides, putting up the tree, the evening was rather quiet and uneventful. We enjoyed each other’s company watching the box.

On Sunday, TOH and I went to visit his dad.

It was my first time meeting TOH’s dad. He was a really nice and friendly person.

Before the visit, TOH was rather concerned and worried if I would be daunted by the aspect of meeting his dad. I was actually quite laid back and didn’t really worry much. I just thought, ‘it wouldn’t be that bad’.

But thanks to TOH and his constant reminder, I think I was getting a bit nervous, just a bit.

In the end, I just said to TOH not to mention again, lest I really get worried and nervous.

In all honestly I was slightly concern having to cook lunch for TOH’s dad. We had mushroom soup with crusty bread. I was glad it turned out good and everyone loved it. Not bad considered it was my second time making the soup. As usual, TOH did all the cutting and prepping, I will need to get him to cook it the next time and he will be a pro in no time!

TOH is my number one supporter for my cooking. Or rather, my number one guinea pig. ^_^ So far I think I’ve done not too bad, since he is still well and alive, with his tummy growing and coming back for more. Hehehe…

I felt at ease and enjoyed the afternoon. It was nice to see how close TOH and his dad are. The banters they share with each other. The topics they discussed. It was really good. I could understand why TOH makes it an effort to spend time with his dad about twice a week.

It was fun and I look forward having the privilege spending Christmas with them.

Friday, 30 November 2007

one month diary

I don’t mean to gloat but...

I’ve completed my two month’s APC diary. Woohooo!!!!

I still haven’t told AD yet, lest he will sulk at and not speak to me.

Still, I’ve finished two months of the diary.

I’m so pleased with it.

I remembered last week I was quite concerned about finishing the one month’s diary. Then I thought I wouldn’t be able to finish it. I will just try to finish one month and sit on the other one for a while. But, I did it! I finished it!

Earlier this week, I was quite worried about how am I going to fill the diary for the month of October. I was wondering what I stories I have to make up.

I find it a bit difficult trying to remember what I did in October. So I went through my Outlook Calendar. Sadly the Calendar was rather empty and having ‘Furniture Delivery’ and ‘BT Engineer’ on it didn’t help much.

After flaffing about a bit, I found a rather ingenious way to solve my problems.

I went through my Inbox and Sent Items. Everyday I spend quite a fair amount of time on the computer. The mails did help a lot trying to piece the picture together.

In the end, I am so please with the results.

Now I just have to reschedule my APC Date Planner and inform my Supervisor and Counsellor of the changes and arrange for a meeting.

Happy St. Andrews Day, btw!


Met up with TS last night.

It is always good to see him.

Reminds me of all the great times we had together. Good and bad.

Reminds me of how good a friend he is to me.

Reminds me of how good our friendship is.

Was annoyed that I got caught in the traffic to meet TS. We were supposed to meet at Borders. It didn’t help that it was peak hour, plus since it was late night shopping Thursday and it is reaching up to Christmas, the traffic was heavier than usual. The bus was sitting in the traffic for quite a while.

I finally gave up waiting, got off the bus and walked to Borders.

When I arrived at Borders, it was interesting to know there were quite a number of people waiting outside in front of Borders for their friends/someone.

We had our little walkie around Glasgow. And boy, do I miss our walkies.

TS always amaze me with his vast knowledge of buildings in a city. He knows so much about the space, the architect, the history, what it looks like how many years ago, etc etc.

It was a great night of catching up.

After our wee walk, we had a nice meal at Mings in Princes Square. We thoroughly enjoyed the meal. We had the Special Combination Platter for starter, I had the Thai Seafood Combination Green Curry with boiled rice, and he had the Coconut Black Pepper Crispy King Prawn with fried rice.

We later headed back towards the Merchant City to the Beer Café as there was a jazz band performing.

It was really nice. Haven’t really been to anything like this for a long time. Or as long as I can remember.

We were both very tired but sitting there listening to the good music and just relaxing there, it was just so good.

I was sitting there reflecting on a lot of things that has happened in my life. Thinking about the past, present and future.

Being one who doesn’t drink beer very often I had a pint of Kirin beer, a glass of G&T and tried half a pint of cheery beer. The Kirin beer was very refreshing. I thought I wanted another pint when I first had a sip of it but then a pint was quite a lot when you have it with a meal. The cherry beer was something new. It has a little cherry tardiness to the taste but very unique, fragrant and refreshing. I would definitely have it again.

When the performance was over, we headed up to George Square to catch the bus home. George Square is beautifully lighted up with its flickering Christmas lights.

After packing up for the trip up the road today, I went to bed at 1am.

It was very naughty of me. Going out and coming back late on what TOH calls, a ‘school night’.

I didn’t want to get up this morning and had to take the later train to work. And since it is a Friday, I will be going off early before 4pm to catch the train up north. What a skivey day!

Looking forward to a fantastic weekend.

Thursday, 29 November 2007

the big move: part one

This posting is long overdue.

After more than a month of flaffing and fussing about looking for a flat, I finally found a place.

And as much as I said in one of my earlier post before the move, that I will have a full on packing weekend, that, in reality did not happened.

What did happened was, I didn’t do any packing on Friday. I ended up leaving it for Saturday, I just wanted to spend time with TOH after getting off the bus.

I started some packing on Saturday when TOH was away at work. Yes, it was SOME, because I spent most of the time online and other time on the phone chatting with people.

When he came back, he was like, ‘what did you packed?!’

Then Sunday, the day before the planned move, I woke up and started packing.

I’ve arranged for some things which TOH can help me packed.

Yeah, I know I’m that bad. I’m so fussy that I have to put aside some things that he can do for me.

Those who know me, knows that I can be very pedantic about things and can possibly be very pathetic many a times, yes, I know. It was proven during this time. We had a wee incident with packing the computer speakers, which TOH will bring it up now and again, just to remind me of how pathetic I can get.

I know TOH was very kind and wanted to help, but I did not want to bombard him with too much work either. I mean, I don’t really know the guy very well and we only started going out not long at that time.

So, whilst TOH was sitting on the couch, I brought him this pile of glassware: my collection of glasses: wine glasses, pint glasses, glass serving dishes, etc. Then there was also a pile of tableware.

Halfway through wrapping up the items, TOH can’t help commenting how much kitchen stuff I have, and that was just the tableware, not inclusive of kitchen utensils and foodstuff!

And yes, I have to admit it was JUST things from the kitchen.

By the time we had everything (or rather, almost everything) packed TOH can't help commenting (again!) how much shite I have!

It has now caught on that whatever things/rubbish/nonesense that I have (or he or we have) we call them shite, unless it is totally and utterly necessary or essential.

Anyways, I managed to get TOH to go for his weekly visit to his dad’s. So I had some time alone packing.

It was then I realised that I had so much stuff that I still haven’t managed to pack!

Panic was settling in. And I mean real panic.

I. Was. Moving. The. Next. Day!

But there is just so much more that I haven’t pack yet!!!

I didn’t realise that I have so much stuff!!! There was so much storage space for a small flat like what I had, that I didn’t KNOW I have so SO much things!!! (Okay, I do know, but didn’t expect..)

TOH texted me a few times but I just told him that I was fine. Which I was actually not but I didn’t want him to worry. And I know I can do it. I have to. I didn’t have much of a choice.

It was my fault anyways.

So I kept me head down and keep on pushing and ploughing my way through. Remembering to breathe. I think I was close to having an epileptic fit. Okay, maybe I exagerrated a bit. But I did find it hard to breathe.

By the time he came back, I had made quite a bit of progress. Just quite.

Being the emotional me, I can’t help shedding some tears too.

We had some interesting conversation about life while packing. Which was good. I always love our conversations. Which, I shall leave it to another posting.

Thankfully, TOH has been helping me accumulate boxes over the weeks prior to the move.

I had some boxes but had TOH not got me those boxes week by week, I think I may just have a panic attack gathering boxes. In fact, we were looking for boxes up until the actual move!

There were these really nice people in the Co-Op on Holborn Street that gave us a couple of collapsible crates. I can’t help saying to TOH that we should come in the middle of the night and get more if we want. Hehehe…

Don’t worry, we didn’t.

In the end we had to hunt for more boxes, wine boxes to be exact.

Psychologically, one will think that wine boxes are strong, after all, they were used to carry those heavy wine bottles in them.

I particularly needed them because, sadly, I have about 30 odd bottles of wine and whatnots bottle of things. Don't you dare start with me being an alchie.

By the end of Sunday night, I think we had almost everything packed. We left some to be packed on Monday and the last remaining to be packed on Tuesday.

Wednesday, 28 November 2007

winter sonata

I think I've decided to give up on Freeview, at least for now.

After all those annoyance, and even after DetJA came and have a look at my handiwork, I still can't get Freeview. *sigh*

Like I said, I think I've decided to give up.

Maybe I need an internal booster aerial.

So I thought I will just settle for council tv (a.k.a. terrestrial tv) instead. BBC1, BBC2, ITV (not the clearest), Channel 4 and Channel 5 (the fuzziest).

I was somewhat chuffed with having Channel 4 compared to not having Freeview.

However, two weeks ago, Channel 4 decided to die on me.


Now, I managed to live 'contently' without Channel 4. Just barely.

Last night while going through my things I found I have the 'Winter Sonata' series.

Yes, it is that Korean series.

Yes, it has been ages.

And yes, those who know, it is not mine.

As far as I know, Winter Sonata was once this huge drama series.

When the hype was on back in Malaysia, I was away in UK. And all I heard is this hype about this Winter Sonata series.

It was like 'Winter Sonata this' and 'Winter Sonata that'.

When I was back in KL working, a colleague of mine lent me her set of the series. So I happily took home to watch.

More like I took home to collect dust.

Before I left the company, my collegaue said I could keep the set instead. How kind of her!

During my last trip home, I decided to bring it over so I can watch it during my free time. Sadly, it sat somewhere and collected dust as well.

Tonight, there wasn't much to watch on tv so I thought why not.

I've only watch the first episode but it has captured my heart already.

As much as I said to myself after watching a few episodes of it in the past, that I will brush up my Korean, I never really did progress much.

Fortunately, I could still understand some of the Korean spoken in the drama. Sadly, my chinese reading ability of the chinese subtitles wasn't much help.

It was like 'read, read, read, read, blank, blank, read, read, blank, read'. Or 'read, read, read, blankblankblankblank, read, read'.

This is when imagination does come in handy.

It is interesting how drama series play with the viewer's mind. But that is what make us all hunger for it and want more of it.

It can be very corny and sappy. And sadly, like the mug that I am, I am falling for the drama and plot, hook, line and sinker.

My sister Su-Anne has warned me about the typical Korean drama plot. And as much as I'm trying not to spoil the next few episodes and the ending, I can't help have this presumption of what is going to happened next.

Wait a minute, is that not the same with any series?!

Oh well, I'm a sucker for things like that. It keeps me entertained. *bleah*

Sadly, I'm actually looking forward to the next episode. And the episode after that. And the episode after that after that...


One of my PMs came and told me that someone from the Contractor said I'm very intelligent.



Tuesday, 27 November 2007

christmas preparations

It is 27 days to Christmas. Woohoo!!!

But I find myself being somewhat rather unorganised here.

Maybe I’m just complacent. I don’t know.

I must have mentioned this before, that there are some dates that are more important to me than others.

My birthday, my other half’s birthday, Valentine’s Day (mug!), anniversaries and Christmas.

And as usual, I still haven’t had my cards, gifts and decoration organised.

I roughly know what I want to be doing. But I haven’t really put them into action.

I think I’ve got enough cards to send out. I think and I hope. Bought a box of cards over the weekend and I have a good collection of leftover cards from the years before.

They are nice cards mind you!

I need to think of what I’m going to send out and within the country.

Royal Mail as usual have their
recommended posting date out months ago.

I should really have all my cards and presents (if any) sent out by beginning of December. At least I can assure that my recipients will have enough time to receive and reciprocate, where needed.

I’m very bad at this. People are nice enough to send me things but I always don’t have the time (excuses due to bad time management) to send them back something. *Smacks hand*

Then there is the thing about thinking what to get people.

Should I or should I not get something?

What should I get?

And all those questions.

Yes, I do realise that Christmas (shopping) started in August. Yes! August! I saw them with my very own eyes!!!

It’s getting earlier and earlier.

And I think I heard Christmas songs played two weeks ago! Uh huh.. you heard it right.

Forget about Halloween.

Forget about St. Andrews Day.

Forget about whatever else and focus all your effort on Christmas.

Anyways, getting out of topic as usual…

Oh yes, Christmas starts in August… and yet, I have not got any Christmas thing organised.

At least I know where I’m going to spend it and who I’m going to spend it with. The rest are a rough idea…

Still, since ‘Christmas’ starts so early, you would think that everyone have everything organised?

You’ve guessed wrong.

The last minute buying frenzy will reach up until the very last minute of whatever store closes on the eve of Christmas. People will go and buy their things last minute. And if they can’t get what they want, they get nasty. Ooooh yes, they do.

There are two groups of people. I think there are a group that push aside the notion of anything Christmas until mid November or even December up to Christmas Eve itself. And the other group that is so super organised and have everything organised since the day after Christmas!

I fall somewhere in between.

I must confess that I will think about Christmas and what I would like to do about it. But only action on it at a rather later date.

Again, if you want reasons, I can give you a plenty!

There will be some baking involved this year and I hope to get it done as soon as possible. The Christmas cake needs time to mature.

And since I won’t be in Glasgow for Christmas plus I don’t have a car to transport a live tree, I will just put up the artificial tree that I found in the store cupboard. I hope it will be in good condition. Yeah, I know, I’m such a snob…

Luckily I don’t really have to prepare Christmas meal so it’s not that bad. But it won’t be too bad either since I enjoy cooking.

Monday, 26 November 2007


I’ve mentioned many times that it is great to be in my position. And since I like the social scene, which whenever I am up for, I had to think of something to wear to the work’s Christmas Dinner as well as my company’s Christmas Lunch the very next day.

Thus it is not surprising that the season of LBD - Little Black Dress is upon us. But I have to be difficult as usual. Well, more like, I don't want the boring usual LBD, so I'm going for something not from that genre.

I’ve seen this really nice dress in Jane Norman that I’ve been eying on for a long time. Tried it for size and it looks great. One thing I love about the dress is that there is a good support in the dress unlike most tube dress(?) or shoulderless dress(?) - whatever you call them.

I also saw a nice dress on a leaflet in store but I couldn’t see it in store. Maybe it was there all along but I just can’t see it.

So I thought, I will go online and find that dress before I make a decision which dress to buy.

Yes, I know it is such an excuse to buy new clothes.

Today I finally went online to look for Jane Norman’s website.

I was quite disappointed that they don’t sell clothes online and whatever they have online is just a handful of what they have in store.

I normally just walk pass Jane Norman racks in the departmental stores. Until I saw the Jane Norman boutique in Aberdeen’s St. Nicholas Shopping Centre.

I think all the clothes were really beautiful. There were quite a number of clothes that I would love to buy. And as much as I can think of a million excuses why I need more than one dress for Christmas and beyond, I have to control myself.

Short listed a few dresses.

Anyways, getting out of topic here. I went online today to find the dress that I can’t see in store. And since the official website does not sell clothes online, I did a general search on Google to see if I can find elsewhere that sells her clothes online.

Guess what I found instead? There is this website The UK High Street that I found, is like a forum where people put in their high street shopping experience.

Reading what the shoppers have to say about
Jane Norman, I’m wary and slightly put off to whether to buy the dress that I like.

From quality complaints to customer complaints, I just feel so put off by buying the dress now.

Contemplation setting in.

I will have to either go for it or look for something else. Decisions. Decisions!

As for Christmas Lunch, I think I’m getting a much needed pair (or two) of new jeans and a nice top. Or something I already have.

TOH gave me this really beautiful necklace which I’m sure to be able to match with whatever I’m going to wear and I bought a nice bag from New Look two weeks ago with a VIP 20% discount.

Anyone wants a GAP 30% voucher which is valid until this Sunday (2nd December) drop me an email and I’ll send it to you.

It will definitely be a nice beginning to the long holidays.

Christmas Dinner on Thursday night (20th December) and then Christmas Lunch on Friday before I head up the road to spend my Christmas and two weeks holiday including Hogmanay in Aberdeen.

I just hope I will be able to recover from all those drinking (and eating for that matter)!


I woke up this morning lazying in bed. Can’t remember why I didn’t want to get up. Just tired I guess.

I wanted to lie in more and go in later since I don’t have much to do. So I think.

But then I realised, that I’ve a meeting at 8:30am this morning!

I should’ve set a reminder for this.

Jumped out of bed and rushed off to work. Well, sort of. Just took the normal train and walked as fast as possible from train station to office.

Along the way, I was thinking of all sorts of excuses more than reasons to cover myself.

Missed the train?


I forgotten?

I know I’m a terrible liar and for this very reason I don’t lie.

Went into work and saw the PM still around and asked her if the meeting is still on.

Thankfully the person in charge has another meeting and there are others who are trying to organise the meeting.

And guess what I said? I just blurted out the truth. As usual.

It’s not a bad thing I know…

Sunday, 25 November 2007

another weekend

The boys were down this weekend.

We had a Domino's - DVD night on Friday. The movie of choice: Blades of Glory.

Quite a nice lighthearted movie for a relaxing Friday night. There were some very good and funny lines.

Saturday, TOH and I can't resist to bring SR to Braehead Shopping Centre.

It will be TOH and my second time there.

Braehead Shopping Centre is really big compared to most shops in Aberdeen. The selection of shops are about the same as the high street but probably each shop has more selection of things.

As usual, how can we resists not going to our favourite second favourite store, Marks & Spencer? *Sigh*


I think the main reason we went to Braehead was for... IKEA!!!

We are such mugs sometimes...

Had a wonderful lunch there and spend money in IKEA as usual. I bought some really nice cards and who knows may just do something about it someday. In the meantime I am just happy to know I bought some really nice cards.

Honestly, I think or I can't remember what else I bought there. So bad...

Did go and sit on TOH and mine's favourite sofa
TYLÖSAND. One fine day... Who knows?

Then in the evening we went to
Radiance 2007. It's Glasgow's International Festival of Light. I may just write this on a separate post.

We saw probably one-third of the art works due to poor or rather non-existent sign posting.

Typically, weekends always draws to a close before you know it.

We had a nice and easy Sunday. I made Sunday Roast for lunch. TOH helped with the chopping, cutting and dicing. I'm really impressed with his cutting skills.

My first time cooking full Sunday Roast! And everyone loved it. We were so stuffed after the meal.

It wasn't long before it was time to go into town and the boys made their way home.

p.s.: This is my 150th Post! Woohoo!!!

Friday, 23 November 2007


Just received a letter from RICS yesterday.

My application to enrol on the APC has been approved. Woohoo!

I was also informed to record my experience from 1st October.


And I thought it was just from 1st November. Which I was struggling on. More like flaffing about for nothing. I guess it was because I was spending too much time worrying about writing the diary.

It isn't that difficult now I found out. So much for flaffing about... @_@

Anyways, now I have to think of what I did in October.

Which means, I have to revise my APC Date Planner.

Which means, I have missed my dateline for completing my first month's diary. But I'm going to leave it for the same date. Only now I have to complete two months for the dateline instead.

Which means, I have to inform my Supervisor and Counsellor that I will be seeing them a month ahead instead of the planned dates.

Which means, I will be meeting the various datelines a month ahead.

Which means, my final interview/assessment is a month ahead(?!). I think.

Which means, I have to stop worrying too much about it and go on with it.

Right, better go now. A gruelling meeting is about to start!

Thursday, 22 November 2007


I was reading The Metro. Waited at the train carriage exit for the doors to open.

Got down and then I realised I left my lunch on the train! I turned and look into the train and I see it there!

My lunch!

I quickly pressed on the door open button whilst the door closing beeping, beeped incessantly.

There I was pressing the button, frantically.

Luckily the conductor was still standing outside of the train making sure all the doors are closed securely.

I said to him 'I left something on the train'.

With a really friendly smile, he let me back on the train.

I ran through the carriage and got out at the other end.

Thanked Mr. Friendly Face conductor profusedly.

Honestly, when I saw my lunch left on the seat in the train, a vision of my lunch moving away, with me and my puppy eyes, sulking face, waving my lunch goodbye, flashed before me.

Honestly, I swear!!!

Wednesday, 21 November 2007

visiting site

Among the Commercial QSs in my team, I think I’m considered the luckiest.

I work with a great team. My Project Managers can be quite demanding and this drives me to learn more. But each one of them is very patient, nice and friendly too.

I consider myself the luckiest because there are nine QSs, not counting the Commercial Manager and I’m the only one who gets to go to site.

Out of the twenty or so projects that I have, I’ve already been to at least four sites. I missed out on going to one more site when I was locked out of my flat.

I get very excited going to site.

Just because I get the chance to be outside of the office. A change of scenery.

And it is a change indeed.

Most of the project sites are in the countryside. Often, we come upon sheep, sheep, cows, coo (shaggy brown highland cows), sheep, donkeys, oh and did I mentioned sheep?

I thought after my wee trip to Shetland, I have seen enough of sheep and Shetland Ponies.

But I guess there is just something about animals and the countryside.

Anyways, going to site helped me to understand the project more, making those numbers makes sense. Helping me understand the various issues on site as well.

And because I don’t have a car, I can only go to site with my Project Managers and sometimes with the Contractor(or in our case, we call them delivery partner)’s Contract Manager.

The long drive to site is made more bearable because we often have good chat about everything and anything.

I think it is good as well. It is a good opportunity to get to know the people I work with.

I’m so blessed that way.

It’s greener too!

This morning, I decided to ‘delegate?’ ‘dedicate?’ a bag for my site gear.

Good ol’ Ikea bag.

Now, I'm looking forward to go to Tobermory where the BBC preschool programme, Balamory was filmed in. I can't wait for the chance to see the colourful buildings in Tobermory.

And I will try my best not to sing the Balamory song. ^_^

Monday, 19 November 2007


I haven’t been blogging much quality stuff lately.

Most of them have been some mumble jumble of things. Some of them a rushed attempt in writing. Some of them just blurts out from my mind without any proof reading.

My sister Suemae even commented on the appalling English that I use in my posts.

Rereading some of the posts, she is right though. I do notice it.

At least, I’m glad I know that somebody is reading my blog.

There are so many things that I would like to blog about. What has happened, what is on my mind, so on and so forth.

It doesn’t help that when I go to bed at night my mind starts thinking about all sorts of things that I can blog about.

I can’t help thinking about what has happened that lead to such bad quality writing.

With Daylight Saving days ended three weekends ago it doesn’t help that daylight is much shorter.

You wake up in the dark. Go to work in the dark. And come home in the dark.
Such is winter. I know.

And since I’m going to moan about it, the shift in moving an hour back can do weird things to your body clock. Like I still go to bed late, with the hour back, I’m actually going to bed later. Because of late to bed, I wake up late as well.

Thank goodness my work place is not strict on time. So I go in late, I leave for home late. In the darkness.

It doesn’t help. At all.

Of course with my monthly forecasting update cycle somewhere at the beginning of the month, I had been busying myself with that too.

I’m glad that after doing this three times, I’m starting to get the hang of it. I’m starting to understand why I’m doing it, what I’m supposed to and how it is done. The numbers and elements now make so much sense!

On top of that I had to tidy up a lot of the numbers within the projects, sort out necessary paperwork of each projects and at the same time find answers to questions I do know understand.

I learnt quite a lot in the last three month. And I know I have so much more to learn!

By the time I go home on most nights, I’m so tired and I couldn’t be bothered to do anything.

I just want to go home and vegetate. Watch tv. Read a book. Have a bath. Do nothing.

However, there is always thing to do. Dishes to wash, clothes to iron, flat to clean, paperwork to be filed or things to sort out.

Never ending.

Is there more to this?

I wonder.

I’m sure there is more.

I’m just too tired.

I need a break.

I moan too much.

I have plenty of excuses if you keep asking me.

Sometimes I wished that thing will just miraculously sort out itself.

Wishful thinking. I’m very certain.

Oh well, I don’t have much of a choice.

I just need to bite the bullet and do it!

Sunday, 18 November 2007

since we met

Ever since I first heard this song, it is one of my favourite Tommy Emmanuel songs.

And since I just went for his concert, plus how much I love this song, it is only fittingly that this song is shared with my beloved.

Tommy, and I'm sure with all songwriter, has a story behind each song they composed. And this was no exception.

'Since We Met', was written in the back of the taxi that Tommy was travelling in. He was in love with somebody at that time and he wanted to write her a song. He only had 20 minutes to write this song. So, Tommy took out his guitar from his case and his cassette recorder that he carried with him and told the taxi driver to drive slowly while he wrote (and recorded) the song. And just as the simple title says it all, a love song written by a lovesick guy, it is such a beautiful song that I loved ever since I first heard it.

Since We Met by Tommy Emmanuel

To my wonderful bf, this song is dedicated especially to you!

I had the best three months with you.

You are the best thing that ever happened to me and I'm forever thankful of that.

A very patient person (when I don't push you overboard, but still VERY patient even when I do drive you to the edge) and a great listener, you understand me better than anyone I've known.

You are such a sweetheart.

As much as we know the distance seems unbearable but it is also amazing how well we use it to our advantage.

And as usual, weekends means more to us, and we look forward to each one of it with much anticipation.

With lots love... xx